This Mum Went on a Hilarious Rant About Parents Who Complain About Back to School Costs

This Mum Went on a Hilarious Rant About Parents Who Complain About Back to School Costs
While our children are happily in the middle of term 3 in our Australian schools, our friends in the US are getting ready to send their little darlings off to begin another school year. And with that comes the dreaded back to school shopping, complete with extensive (and expensive) lists of stationery supplies and things.
It’s been a contentious issue over the last couple of years — the back to school shopping list. Lots of people have been complaining about having to buy tissues, paper towels, glue sticks and hand sanitiser for the classroom. Plus the overall costs of kitting out each child really do add up when you consider school uniforms, shoes, new schoolbags and lunchboxes. Heaven forbid if you suggest that your child reuses the one they had last year. You’re instantly the Worst Parent In The Whole Entire World.
One mum in the US has gone on an epic rant about people who complain about buying school supplies for their teacher to use in the classroom. And it is glorious.
In a hilarious video, Dena Blizzard of One Funny Mother explains exactly why she doesn’t mind buying extra supplies for her children’s teachers. And she makes a very good point.
“I will give you anything to take my kids,” Dena explains.
“You need a yellow binder? I will get you a yellow binder, I’ll get you a red binder, I will tie-dye some shit.”
As she walks through Target, Dina picks up random household goods and pops them in her trolley for the teachers, including a pink fluffy cushion, luggage, a microwave, a welcome mat and a floor rug. At one point she cracks open a tiny bottle of alcohol and knocks it back. This woman has quickly become my idol.
She continues her rant, describing how much planning the teachers do and how awesome they are to teach a whole room of children that aren’t their own.
“They’re gonna spend nine hours a day. They’re not even allowed to hit your kids! You hear what I’m sayin’? They’re gonna be with your kids every day, teaching your kids. I’m gonna be like, ‘You know what, you want a microwave? I’ll get you a microwave’.
“These teachers have been making plans to teach your kids, and you’re complaining about some pencils? Pencils! Are you kidding me? Do you know how much I would pay them just to get my kids out of my face?”
Dena’s video may be a hilarious over-exaggerated response to all the complaints we often hear nowadays, but her point is absolutely clear. Buying a few boxes of tissues and some pencils is the least we can do to support our teachers.
“I don’t know anything about history. There’s a lady somewhere willing to teach my daughter history? And she’s asking for a yellow binder? I’m gonna get that bitch a yellow binder.
“Stop complaining, go out and get your stupid supplies, and you need to hug a teacher on the first day of school.”
Spot on!
Source: Facebook/Dena Blizzard