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Mum Who Makes $190,000 A Month On OnlyFans Is Shamed By Parents At Her Kid’s School!

Mum Who Makes $190,000 A Month On OnlyFans Is Shamed By Parents At Her Kid’s School!


A mum has been shamed by parents at her kid’s school after it was discovered she posts raunchy photos of hersef on OnlyFans.

Tiffany Poindexter is currently raking in $190,000 a month by selling sexy photos taken by her husband, to her subscription based app OnlyFans.

While the mum say she’s doing nothing wrong, others disagree. Parents at her kid’s school discovered the photos late last year and are are now petitioning to have her children kicked out of the school.

“Some women from my area actually printed out pictures I posted on my OnlyFans and mailed them to the principal of my children’s school,” the 44-year-old said. “We were called a load of names; apparently it was ‘disturbing, disgusting, horrifying’ and ‘my children should be kicked out!’”

Known as “Mrs Poindexter” on the app, the mum says she will not be bullied into stopping and thinks the other mums are just jealous of her. She says her husband and three boys, aged eight, 10 and 12, all support her.

“I reckon most of the husbands have taken a look at Tiffany’s account,” husband Chris Poindexter said. “Maybe that’s why these women have such an issue with us.”

Being an ever supporting partner, Chris says the photos are “pretty tame”, adding, “I think they have this misconception that she must be making sex tapes but there’s nothing like that. I wrote to our school’s superintendent about everything we were doing. I told him that it all started as a personal thing between me and my wife.”

While the parents at the school may not be happy with the mum of three, there are plenty that are. Commenters have taken to social media to defend the mum, saying there is “nothing wrong with her hustle”.

“Stop the hate on this mum. Can the naysers tell me what’s really their issue with her besides jealousy?” one woman asked on Twitter.

“From where I come, this is called envy,” another added.

“Not saying it’s right to bully but she didn’t think this might get out? There are consequences for choices in this society,” wrote a third person.

Starting her account in 2019 Tiffany says it was originally to help spice up her marriage. But then it took off and before long she was making $A17,000 in the first month alone.

“One of the things we tried to make our marriage more exciting was posting a picture of me in a bikini on Reddit,” she said.

“It was Chris’ idea, and it became so popular that all these people started asking for more – so we set up an OnlyFans and I just blew up. It’s something we just completely fell into, we had no idea how successful it would become.”


Images: Jam Press and Facebook


Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage