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Man-Child Has Shit Fit During Ultrasound When He Realises That His Wife Is Having a Baby Girl

Man-Child Has Shit Fit During Ultrasound When He Realises That His Wife Is Having a Baby Girl

That headline may seem a little brash but honestly, how else could you word this ridiculous scenario?

A fully grown adult male of 33 years has thrown his toys out of the cot during an ultrasound session where he discovered that his 29-year-old wife was pregnant with a daughter.

We’ve heard of gender disappointment before but this really takes the cake.

The poor mum-to-be opened up about the incident on Reddit, asking whether or not she was the asshole for her reaction to his aforementioned shit fit.

We went for the doctor’s appointment to find out the gender of our baby. My husband was excited although he repeatedly said he guaranteed it was a boy with no evidence to back it up.

Once the doctor said it was a girl, my husband’s face went red. He stared at the doctor then started asking if she was sure 15 times. He asked if she was sure this wasn’t a ‘recording’ footage of her previous patient which made me feel embarrassed because this was a dumb question. He has 0 idea how ultrasound works. Doctor laughed.

But he asked her to check again and even tried to act smart to point out that it’s actually a boy and that the doctor got it wrong. I told him to stop but he started lashing out blatantly saying he wasn’t expecting this and was in fact disappointed with the results. I felt mad especially after he told her that we will be seeing another doctor then get back to her to tell her she got it wrong because he GUARANTEED it was a boy.

I waited till we got home and lashed out at him telling him he had no right to speak to the doctor like that and waste her time by getting her to check repeatedly. I said he embarrassed me and he lashed back saying he has a right to express how he felt and that he was disappointed. We argued then he went to call his mum to tell her although I asked him to wait to do it together.

I called him childish for immediately calling his mum and getting her to text me. Like it’s my fault. I told him I’m going to stay at my mum’s for 2 days because this is too much. He asked “How’s it childish for me to call my mum and vent a little. But totally okay when you pack to go stay with your mum for 2 days?” I was speechless. What response could I possibly have for this?.

He started texting saying Ultrasound wasn’t a good idea. But he’ll just wait till our baby’s born to find out since tests can’t be 100% sure anyway. Said he wasn’t trying to blame me for being pregnant with a girl but that he was upset at how I reacted to his reaction. He planned to have one kid and that’s it. Preferably a boy but it didn’t happen so he was disappointed. Again argued that I overreacted and mishandled his gender-disappointment.

Well, that’s…. a lot.

Putting aside the fact that it is his sperm that determines the gender of the child, he is blaming his wife for not giving him a boy like it’s her fault.

It is apparent that this woman was more concerned about her own behaviour, not his, and that is troubling, to say the least. Red flags are being flown high and proud by this dad-to-be and a little girl is about to be brought into the middle of it. How will he respond once she is born and he realises that she is a girl after all?

This is a dangerous situation for this pregnant woman and her unborn daughter and she should consider her future very carefully indeed.


Source: Reddit/AITA?

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!