Mum’s Lovely Facebook Birthday Message Leads to a Costly Misunderstanding over a Stock Image of a Birthday Cake

Mum’s Lovely Facebook Birthday Message Leads to a Costly Misunderstanding over a Stock Image of a Birthday Cake
A UK mum’s sweet message to her daughter’s friend on her 18th birthday has ended up costing her over $360 AUD after a hilariously awkward mixup over a stock photo of a birthday cake.
It’s not uncommon to find a fun picture to accompany your Facebook birthday message. Some people might opt for an amusing glittery gif involving kittens and balloons. Others might go for a picture of some wine glasses and a bottle of bubbly.
This story is about a woman who did a little Google search for a lovely cake with the birthday girls name and age on it. Cue the costly misunderstanding: the birthday girl thought that the cake was made especially for her!
When Virginia realised that Beth had mistaken the picture for a real-life cake, she didn’t have the heart to tell the birthday girl that the cake was not for her – or even made at all!
“My mum felt too bad to admit it wasn’t hers, to she paid £200 to get a replica made for the next day,” tweeted Virginia’s daughter, Lauren Faulkner recently.
The amusing, but adorable mix-up was recounted by Lauren on Twitter more than three years after the cake debacle.
“To this day I still think about when my mum found this random cake on Google,” she wrote.
To this day I still think about when my mum found this random cake on goggle to post happy birthday to Beth and Beth thought my mum bought her the cake. My mum felt too bad to admit it wasn’t hers so she paid £200 to get a replica made for the next day ???
— Lauren Faulkner (@lauzyfaulks) August 27, 2019
She then shared a screenie of Beth’s happy post having seen her hastily prepared birthday cake.
The cake decorator did an amazing job, we have to say!
Finally, there is another hilarious twist to this awkward little misunderstanding — Beth didn’t end up eating her cake!
Lauren followed up on the saga, posting screenshots of a text exchange with her mum about her new-found Twitter fame.
Source: Twitter/Lauren Faulkner