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Naked Sunbather Chases Wild Boar and Her Babies Through Park After She Steals All His Stuff

Naked Sunbather Chases Wild Boar and Her Babies Through Park After She Steals All His Stuff

Now that’s a headline we bet you wouldn’t have expected to read today! But it is true, and there are multiple hilarious pictures to prove it.

A wild boar has taken off with a naked man’s bag, leading him on a chase through a crowded park in Germany.

The thief was accompanied by her two young piglets, who attempted to make a run for it with a shopping bag containing the man’s clothes and laptop while he gave chase in the buff.

Just look at the delight on all the people’s faces as this bizarre chase occurred right in front of them.

We can’t help but notice that no one is actually stopping to help the naked German man, they are all just standing around pissing themselves laughing.

The incident happened at Teufelssee Lake – a bathing spot in the Grunwell Forest in Berlin, Germany. There are lots of locations that allow people to sunbathe or swim naked in Germany, which answers at least one question we had. There are also a lot of wild boars about, too, answering our second question.

The snaps were taken by Adele Landauer, who wrote about the amusing incident on her social media pages.

“Yesterday at the lake in Berlin I saw a real hero. A female wild boar with two babies came out of the forest in order to search for food. In Berlin we are free people – we love to bathe in the sun and lake like we are born. So, there were many people laying on their towels completely naked.

“Many of us were scared but the wild boars seemed to be peaceful. After they ate a pizza from a backpack of a man who was taking a swim in the lake they were looking for a dessert. They found this yellow bag and decided to take it away.

“But the man who owned it realized it was the bag with his laptop. So, he was very focused and run behind the boars in order to get it back.

“Every one of us adored him how focused he stayed and when he came back with his yellow bag in the hand we all clapped and congratulated him for his success.”

Now if that story didn’t brighten up your day, we don’t know what will!

Too funny!

If you want to read the whole story about this hero, please follow me on Instagram: adelelandauer_lifecoach

Die Fotos…

Posted by Adele Landauer on Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Source: Facebook/Adele Landauer


Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!