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New Mum Upset After Her Boyfriend Left Her Because She Stopped Wearing Makeup After Their Baby’s Birth

New Mum Upset After Her Boyfriend Left Her Because She Stopped Wearing Makeup After Their Baby’s Birth

A new mum has sought advice after her partner revealed that he had fallen out of love with her because she no longer bothered to shave or apply makeup since the birth of their son.

Their seven-week-old son. The same infant that the new mum carried for nine months and delivered via caesarian. The one who her partner helped conceive. That one.

She explained that she and her partner, who have been a couple for two and a half years, welcomed their first child just under two months ago. However, he recently told her that he no longer loved her, mostly due to the fact that she doesn’t make an effort with her appearance when he’s around.

This is one of those times that we’d all love to reach through the screen and slap this man stupid and hug this new mum and tell her she can do better.

Taking to the forum Netmums, the mum known only as Paige told her story:

Oh honey. Why are you still with this utter douchebag?

What an utterly disgusting attitude to have towards your partner and mother of your newborn child!

The women on the forum were full of sympathy and advice for this poor new mum.

“Your man sounds cruel and useless,” wrote a woman named Claudine. “I doubt this situation will get better, he won’t change and you’ll always resent that he made your life harder at a time when you should be cosseted and cared for.”

Sarah added: “He needs to grow up and fast. He is a parent now and of course, things are going to be different. Some of those things will be different for a while and others for a long time. Or it could be that he is searching for an excuse for something and this is the only thing he could come up with that “puts the blame on you” rather than where it belongs with him. All in all, absolutely pathetic. He should be ashamed of himself.”

A woman named Stacey offered a different perspective.

“It is possible for men to suffer from PND. Maybe he feels pushed out. I know my partner loves our time, even if it’s a cuddle before we sleep for half an hour because with two children and both working we feel like we barely see each other.”

Whatever the case, it is certainly not a normal thing to say to someone who’s just given birth. The poor woman has enough to deal with right now.


Source: Netmums

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!