Nine Year Old’s Priceless Reaction to Getting Her First Period Is All of Us

Nine Year Old’s Priceless Reaction to Getting Her First Period Is All of Us
You know, some kids are wise beyond their years. They say just the right thing at the right moment that really sums up the situation perfectly with no other words needed. A little girl did just that recently when she discovered that her period would come every month for the next four decades.
The child’s mother wrote to Reddit’s Am I The Asshole forum to gain some clarity and insight when, after explaining to her 9-year-old that her period is going to be around for many years to come, her daughter rightfully yelled “Fuck this shit!” and took off to her bedroom.
A totally appropriate response to this horrific new information if you ask any woman.
The woman’s husband, however, took this reaction differently.
To answer the mum’s question. No, no you are not the asshole. Neither is your husband though, to be fair.
Redditors agreed:
“If you’re old enough for a period, you’re old enough to say it’s bullshit,” wrote one wise lady.
“If there’s ever a time to cuss, its when learning you’re going to be leaking blood out of your vagina for the next 40 years,” added another.
“My reaction to finding out that this would happen every month for decades wasn’t quite as descriptive as your daughter’s, but once I actually got my period I asked my mum for a radical hysterectomy. “Scoop everything out with a melon baller for all I care!” were my exact words. Her very calm response, which I’m sure was hiding laughter, was, “No reputable doctor would perform one on a 10-year-old.”” hilariously added a third.
Look, the girl didn’t swear to hurt someone. She didn’t use slurs or say “fuck you, mum” which would have required a consequence. While it’s not great that she swore, she didn’t hurt anyone with her words so that’s a pass in my book.
Welcome to womanhood, kid. You’ll be saying that every month now for a long time.
Source: Reddit/AITA?