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Parents Share Their Children’s Hilariously Poor Attempts at Playing Hide and Seek

Parents Share Their Children’s Hilariously Poor Attempts at Playing Hide and Seek

Little kids are fun to play with — their sense of fun just can’t be beat. Between their hilarious giggles and their high-energy attitudes, it’s no wonder that adults spend a lot of time playing with the little ones in their lives.

And any parent will know that one of the best games to play with children is Hide and Seek, if only to sneak a few minutes to go to the toilet in peace while the child is hiding!

While these children might love playing Hide and Seek, they aren’t very good at it. In fact, you could say that they are really bad at it. Terrible, even. Oh but how could you not laugh at these fabulously poor attempts at hiding?!

Can you help us find the toddler in any of these photos?

All we can see is a tiny blanket in this one.

Nope, can’t see a toddler in this one, either!

That suspicious looking Disney Princess lump could be anything.

Try as we might, we just can’t see anyone in this picture either!

I think we need to get to Specsavers, because I can’t find a little girl in this picture anywhere!

It’s like they are invisible!

Are those feet there under the blind? It’s hard to tell.

Maybe behind the pot plant?

This one is really tricky and I think it might be my favourite. If you look carefully, you can see him all tucked in, confident in his clever plan to hide inside a transparent plastic box.

The little tootsies give this one away!

We’re assuming he intended to go all the way under but his plan came unstuck as he underestimated the size of his head.

We think there are two cuties hiding in this picture, but we can’t see them to make sure. Brilliant hiding spot!

Nope, can’t see a toddler in this picture at all! 

We think there may be a toddler standing on a magazine behind the apron. Maybe.

This one might have been easier to spot if the sun was in a better position. If you look closely, you can just make out some socks underneath the curtain.

Another curtain hider perhaps? The shape indicates that there may be a child hiding behind it, but we can’t be certain. These kids are pros!

We’ve been staring at this pic for five minutes and still can’t see any children. 

Nothing fishy here, just a normal lampshade in the middle of a room.

I wonder who left this totally empty tub upside down?

This one is a hard one. Let me just go and find my glasses.

Where did that tiny little lounge come from? I wonder…

Perhaps the child is hiding behind those rubbish bins? I must check.

Do your children hide like these kids too? What is the funniest place you’ve ever found them? Tell us in the comments!

Source: Splitpics

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!