People Share All the Badass Ways Their Great Grandmothers Got Back at Their Overbearing Husbands Back in the Day

People Share All the Badass Ways Their Great Grandmothers Got Back at Their Overbearing Husbands Back in the Day
It’s no secret that women these days have it a lot better than their great grandmothers did. From lots of household appliances cutting the chores in half to spouses that actually share the workload of running a house, it is chalk and cheese in comparison to what women in the 1940s and ’50s had to put up with on the daily.
Over on Reddit, someone shared a short anecdote on r/MaliciousCompliance about the lengths their awesome great grandmother went to be allowed to wear pants in public.
They wrote:
“When girls started wearing slacks, my great grandmother told her husband (my great grandfather) that she wanted to get some slacks. He blew up, insisting that no wife of his will ever wear pants. She could have argued, but she accepted his edict quietly. Until they went bowling…..
She found the shortest skirt she could find. After all, he insisted she keeps wearing skirts and dresses. This was in the fifties. That night, he agreed to let her get slacks.”
I couldn’t imagine not being able to wear exactly what I want whenever I want to, never mind having to ask my husband’s permission! Oh, how times have changed!
The user added an amusing side note to their post: “she would also sew shut the flaps on his long underwear when she was mad at him.”
This post prompted other Redditors to share all the badass things their grannies used to do to mess with their mean husbands.
And finally, this comment says it all:
Bravo, ladies! Thank you for paving the way for the generations that followed to be able to wear pants whenever we damn well please!