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Personal Trainer Refuses to Invite Her Overweight Sister to a Family Barbecue

Personal Trainer Refuses to Invite Her Overweight Sister to a Family Barbecue

A very upset woman has asked if she has the right to be angry with her sister after realising that she has been deliberately excluded from a family barbecue because she happens to be overweight.

The understandably furious woman took to Mumsnet to seek other women’s opinions and support after the incident left her feeling upset and offended.

Oh goodness be! There are so many suggestions of what to say to her sister flying through my head right now and none of them are safe for work! How very dare she!

Those words must have stung so badly and damaged the relationship between the sisters irreparably. I mean, how do you bounce back from something like that?

The anonymous woman asked for responses, and it was responses she received with over three hundred boardies having their say about how to respond to the cruel sister.

“Oh my god, that’s horrendous. In your position, I would be writing on group chat that I/you feel very hurt that not only has she deliberately excluded you from an event (i.e. basically uninvited you) but that her reason for doing so is that you are not a size 8, gym-fanatic,” wrote one commenter.

“Alternatively, invite all of the family BUT her to some other event!”

Others had a different point of view:

“You say nothing. She needs to apologise. Vile attitude. Hopefully one of your family will deal with her nastiness.”

A popular suggestion was that the whole family should boycott the barbecue after blowing up the group chat with a rundown of what the sister had said on the phone.

One wrote: “10/10. I would tell her she is hurtful, cruel and rude and it’s nice to know her image means more to her than her relationship with her sister. What a bitch.”

How would you handle this situation? 


Source: Mumsnet

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!