Photo Of An Egg Becomes The Most Liked Photo On Instagram…Ever!

Photo Of An Egg Becomes The Most Liked Photo On Instagram…Ever!
When it comes to the world of social media there really is no rhyme or reason as to why things work the way they do. Take for example the latest photo that has taken the internet by storm. No, it’s not a picture of a celebrity, or an amazing landscape or even Donald Trump without his tan. It’s much simpler than that. It’s an egg.
Yep, just a regular egg you’d find in your fridge, or chicken coup if you’re lucky enough to have one. Does this make any sense? Absolutely not! Yet, here’s the evidence. A photo of an egg has becomes the most liked photo on Instagram EVER, even dethroning Kylie Jenner’s birth-announcement post (see below).
You may be forgiven for thinking this egg is special. Could it be bedazzled in precious stones? Is it being held by a famous sportsperson? Nope and Nope.
It’s just an egg. Look.
As of yesterday morning the pic had amassed an astounding 24 million likes and was still increasing as this story was being written.
The account and photo were both produced by a mysterious group called the Egg Gang where only one photo is posted to their @world_reccord_egg Instagram account.
According to Buzzfeed, the person behind the account is actually a chicken from the British countryside called Henrietta.
The account holders are said to have come up with the idea to challenge Jenner’s most-liked photo after they “stopped drinking for Dry January” and found themselves home on a Friday night. After spending the night checking out Instagram’s most liked photos they decided to take a ‘crack’ and see if they could out do them.
“It was nothing personal,” they told Buzzfeed.
Since the photo went viral, fans of Henrietta’s egg have taken to teasing Jenner about her downfall by posting egg emojis in the comments section of her daughter’s birth announcement.
Jenner, being the good sport she is, has responded to the craziness by posting a video of her cracking an egg on hot pavement.
“Take that little egg,” she wrote.
And in case you thought that was the end, it’s not! On Monday the egg account hinted at a mysterious Phase 2 of the egg plan, writing “it doesn’t end here,” and that “we’re only just getting started.”
What an ‘egg-cellent’ way to spend a Saturday night! See kids, this is what happens when you give up alcohol. All sorts of creative ideas will come oozing out of you! No yolk!
Images: Instagram