Photographer Challenges McDonald’s Monopoly Instant Food Winners to Donate Vouchers to Less Fortunate

As the cost of living increases, so does the rate of homelessness. On any given night in Australia, 1 in 200 people are homeless.
Even food banks around the country have noticed more and more families are reaching out for help just to put food on the table.
It can be hard to know what to do if you’re a single income family. How can you give back to those that are in dire need?
There are many charities and foundations that will gratefully accept financial donations.
But one photographer has come up with an idea to pay it forward, by utilizing McDonald’s current Monopoly promotion, by challenging instant food winners to offer their vouchers to those who really need it.
McDonalds is running their Monopoly promotion again where stickers can be peeled from the McDonald’s food packaging, offering a variety of prizes. Some are instant win prizes offering a free food item.
Matt Lawson Photography challenged his followers to donate their free food stickers to local shelters, where people less fortunate can use the vouchers.
The post read: McDonald’s is currently running the monopoly game and I’ve got an idea. If you win free food by purchasing food you would of bought anyway, why not put your tokens in a jar and take them to an area where you know there are people less fortunate then yourself (Melbourne CBD, Fitzroy shelters etc).i did it today and if all of us do it together we can be part of a small change. FEEL FREE TO SHARE. #bethechange #monopolisecharity
So far the Facebook post has been shared over 14k times and has had over 30k reactions.
Of course there were negative comments about encouraging people – especially children to consume ‘junk’ food, but Matt replied with ‘I know it’s still consuming junk food, but can teach our kids and ourselves a lesson in giving with no taking.’
The post has been met mainly with positive feedback. with many followers setting up jars and boxes at their workplace to collect the stamps. Some of the positive comments have included,
‘Matt a big cheer to you. What an amazing idea. I often don’t even use the free stuff, I put them in my purse and forget about them. I’m from the country but will contact the local food bank that I volunteered for many years at. Will see if we can do something down my way. The world would be a better place if we all just cared about each other.’
While another wrote, ‘Time for me to give up my food stamps! I love you McDonald’s but time to say bye to my freebies ? I’m fortunate to buy my food, so il give mine away. ? great idea and shared!!’
As of today the Facebook post has had over 2 million views.
If you want to take part in the movement, collect any free food stamps and donate them to your local shelter or Salvation Army centre, or alternatively, if you work in the city, offer the stamps to those who are homeless or less fortunate. The promotion only runs for a month, yet many of the instant win food stamps get lost and don’t end up being redeemed. Offering the vouchers to those who would appreciate it is a great way to help someone in need, even if it’s just for one food item.
For more details, follow the hashtag #bethechange #monopolisecharity or head to the Facebook post to follow up on updates.