Shocked Mother Catches Daycare Worker Breastfeeding Her Baby and Seeks Advice – What Would You Do?

Shocked Mother Catches Daycare Worker Breastfeeding Her Baby and Seeks Advice – What Would You Do?
It is to be expected that your child will eat the food that you have provided when they are being looked after by a trusted person. It doesn’t matter if your child is being babysat by their grandparents, a hired babysitter or a daycare provider — if you have handed over food for the child to eat during their time in someone else’s care, it is expected that they eat that food and that food alone.
So it must have come as a terrible shock to the mother who walked in to collect her baby only to discover that her daycare provider had been secretly breastfeeding her for months without her knowledge, despite supplying all the formula her baby could need.
The daycare provider is said to have opted to breastfeed the infant to “save her from the chemicals” in formula, despite the fact that the baby was adopted and her mother was clearly not lactating.
The anonymous mother told her story to famed internet Agony Aunt, Dear Prudence’s Daniel Mallory Ortberg, seeking advice for her next steps — does she go nuclear or just quietly warn the other parents at the home daycare business?
Goodness me.
I would have had a lot more things to say than just “are you crazy?”!
The mother would have spent months bonding with her new baby and establishing her position as her adoptive mother. For a trusted professional to step into that role and one-up the mother, providing something that the mother never could, oooh it gets my dander up. Just gets it right up. HOW VERY DARE SHE?!
Unsurprisingly, the response that she received was in a similar vein, albeit rather restrained compared to the scorched earth ire a lot of us are probably feeling right now:
Good advice. I had some ideas, but they all involved rude gestures and very bad words. This is much better.
Ultimately it does not matter how this baby was fed, what matters is that someone who was trusted to care for a child in a professional setting abused her position and made a choice for that child against the mother’s wishes. No one gets to do that. No one gets to make decisions on how to raise someone else’s child while in their care.
I do hope this mum has taken it further.
What do you think? Would you be okay with this? Or would you be livid? Share your opinions in the comments!
Source: Dear Prudence and Pixabay
How do other Mums know that the Care Worker’s milk is safe? Hospitals test breastmilk before using it for other babies.
Your breastmilk may not be suitable for somebody else baby.