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Sister Praises the Amazing Work Nurses Do in a Viral Post Describing Her Twin Sister’s Life as a Hardworking Nurse

Sister Praises the Amazing Work Nurses Do in a Viral Post Describing Her Twin Sister’s Life as a Hardworking Nurse

We all know that nurses are some of the most hardworking, caring and empathetic people on the planet. They are vital to our community and yet aren’t always given the credit they are deserved. While most of us have a basic understanding of what a nurse’s day might involve, this viral post is a gritty reminder that they are the backbone of healthcare.

Laura McIntyre recently shared a Facebook post about her sister Caty who is a nurse. She posted a photo of her twin looking absolutely exhausted and in tears after her 4th shift in a row.

Writing about her amazing sister, Laura shared the story behind Caty’s exhausted tears.

She’s gonna kill me for this pic, but can we just give it up for nurses for a minute?

Caty just wrapped up her fourth shift in a row. That’s around 53+ hours in four days. That’s not including the 1.5 hours she’s in the car each day. She usually doesn’t get a chance to eat lunch or even drink much water. (and she has to dress like a blueberry.. I mean, come on). She is so good at what she does that she often forgets how to take care of herself while she’s taking care of her patients.

This pic is from a night back in July where she came to my house after a particularly hard day. She delivered a stillborn. Have you guys ever really thought about what a labour and delivery nurse sees? They see great joy in smooth deliveries and healthy mums and babies. They see panic and anxiety when a new mum is scared. They see fear when a stat c-section is called. They see peace when the mum has support from her family – because not all new mums do. They see teenagers giving birth. They see an addicted mum give birth to a baby who is withdrawing. They see CPS come. They see funeral homes come. Did you know that they have to make arrangements for the funeral home to come pick up the baby? I didn’t either.

Caty (and all other nurses) – you are SPECIAL. You bless your patients and their families more than you will ever know. Thank you for all that you do. ?

Speaking of her wonderful bond with her twin, Laura shared that are very close and talk with each other many times each day.

“Caty has always kept a level head in stressful situations. Of course, she has her occasional break down (like you see in this picture); but she handles herself so well, which is part of the reason she makes an incredible nurse.”

Laura’s post has gone viral with hundreds of thousands of likes, comments and shares. Many people echoed her sentiments praising nurses for all their hard work caring for themselves and the people they love.

We’d like to add our voices to the outpouring of love for our nurses, too. You are amazing — thank you for all the work you do to take care of each and every one of us!

Source: Facebook/Laura McIntyre

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!