Six Sydney Women Turn Up To A Wedding In Identical Dresses!

Six Sydney Women Turn Up To A Wedding In Identical Dresses!
As women, one of our secret fears is turning up to an event wearing exactly the same outfit as someone else! I mean not that there’s anything wrong with having the same amazing taste as another woman but it can feel a little awkward when it comes to photo time.
Imagine the shock then of this bride as SIX of her invited guests turned up to her wedding in identical dresses. Not just the same colour or same style but the EXCACT same dress! And no, they weren’t the bridesmaids!
(Fun fact: Bridesmaids began dressing not only alike but also like the bride in Ancient Roman times. They acted as decoys at the wedding to protect the bride from any demonic presence!)
The dress in question is called the Debbie Lace pencil dress and is available from Forever New for $159.99!
“Imagine the odds,” Debbie Speranza, one of the six women, wrote on a Facebook post on fashion brand Forever New’s Facebook page. That photo has since received 39,000 likes over 9,500 comments.
After the initial shock, Speranza said the women saw the funny side and just went with it. “A couple of the women were a little bit ‘ahhhhh’ but then we all saw the fun in it. There’s a video of us telling the bridesmaids ‘ok if you girls stuff up we are ready’. We were like accidental sisters.”
“We kept being asked that. No it wasn’t a set-up, I swear. I only knew one of the six women. Three were from the bride’s side and three from the groom.”
Some of the comments on Speranza’s Facebook page revealed that the dress was in fact a very popular choice amongst women with many having bought it themselves recently.
“What a laugh!” one person wrote. “But what did you say to the guests wearing something else? Did they feel like they’d missed the message?”
“Wore this dress on the weekend,” another woman shared.
“Was this the one you just bought?” a woman asked her friend, who replied: “Oh what!!! Yes it is! So funny, hope this doesn’t happen to me.”
Has this ever happened to you and what did you do?
Images: Facebook