Sound Proof Learning Dome May Just Be The Product Of 2020!

Sound Proof Learning Dome May Just Be The Product Of 2020!
Every now and again you’ll come across a product you wish you had thought of first. Take the sound proof learning dome for example. If this isn’t peak 2020 then I don’t know what is!
This ingenious item has been doing the rounds on social media depicting a happy child doing his online learning inside his own little plastic dome. How cute, right? It even comes with a bucket and toilet paper in the corner…wait, what?
Alas, as good as this sounds, unfortunately it is in fact FAKE! It’s all the brainchild of Adam.The.Creator who is known for his hilarious and accurate commentary memes.
That didn’t stop parents from voicing their love for the dome! “Does it come in adult sizes?!”
In fact the dome had more than 3.5K likes and over 4.4K comments with parents tagging one another and jokingly wishing this was real.
“When you think of it could have an air filter that attached to the outside and the kid would only be allowed to text you, I mean, it’s not too bad of an idea,” wrote one user.
“I want this,” said another. “I wish it was real. To help focus and draw on the walls? Sign me up.”
Speaking of 2020 inspired products, who could forget the Fisher Price work from home play set which was particularly accurate as it featured wine, a crying baby and a Zoom call on the screen. Iconic! Hahaha!
Now in all seriousness, can someone please hurry up and invent a real soundproof dome? Thank you!
Images: Adam.The.Creator