Special Ed Teacher Invites Students To Her Wedding!

The bond between a teacher and their class is truly a special one. Milestones are achieved and days are spent together nurturing and teaching. For both the teacher and the student it can be a snapshot in time that will looked back on fondly for years to come.
So when a Kentucky special education teacher got married this year she decided to invite a group of her students to share in her special day. The kids got a chance to dress up and be part of the ceremony and reception for the wedding of their teacher Kinsey French to her husband Josh.
Kinsey French teaches at Christian Academy’s Providence School, a school for children with Down syndrome.
“They were like family to me. They were my first class and they’ve been my only class and so I knew I couldn’t have a special day without them,” French said.
French’s students are part of integration program where they are in a regular classroom for 95 percent of the day and they also receive additional speech and occupational therapy.
The students said the best part of the wedding for them as all the dancing! French said having her students attend her wedding was “so exciting.”
“It was really special for Josh and myself just to have them a part of the day, and have them come with us and celebrate with us,” she said.
(Photos and story are from the Christian Academy’s Providence School Facebook page.)