Sweet Little Girl Casually Accuses Her Teacher of Committing War Crimes

Sweet Little Girl Casually Accuses Her Teacher of Committing War Crimes
If you ask a child how you can improve your parenting or teaching, expect them to be brutally honest with you!
An eleven-year-old in Scotland has responded to a teacher’s request for improvement suggestions in the boldest way ever, referencing the Geneva Conventions and comparing her teacher’s go-to punishment technique to war crimes.
Her dad, author Mason Cross from Glasgow, shared a photo of her hilarious answer on Twitter, where it has been retweeted thousands of times.
“My daughter actually submitted this feedback at school,” he wrote. “Not sure if I should ground her or buy her ice cream.”
My daughter actually submitted this feedback at school. Not sure if I should ground her or buy her ice cream… pic.twitter.com/4v8Gjb9riv
— Mason Cross (@MasonCrossBooks) May 25, 2017
Mr Cross’ daughter wrote in the reply about what her teachers could do better: “Not use collective punishment as it is not fair on the many people who did nothing and under the 1949 Geneva Conventions, it is a war crime.”
The child has a fair point.
My children are always complaining that one kid was playing up so they all had to stay in for the first half of lunch. It’s not their fault that one kid can’t get his shit together. Why punish the whole class for his actions?
Mason Cross went on to elaborate…
I should clarify that she thinks her teacher is awesome – it’s just this aspect of the educational justice system she has an issue with.
— Mason Cross (@MasonCrossBooks) May 25, 2017
Many people agreed with Mr Cross’ daughter, calling for him to immediately purchase her an ice cream, or offering to get her one themselves.
There does seem to be a broad consensus around ice cream
— Mason Cross (@MasonCrossBooks) May 25, 2017
The people have spoken. pic.twitter.com/lW2n3sd7Nq
— Mason Cross (@MasonCrossBooks) May 25, 2017
There is no word yet on whether or not her teacher has opted to change their collective punishment habits.
Source: Mason Cross