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The Most Appalling Mother in Law Ever Boasts That She Is Going to Wear Her Own Wedding Gown to Her Son’s Wedding

The Most Appalling Mother in Law Ever Boasts That She Is Going to Wear Her Own Wedding Gown to Her Son’s Wedding

Well, ladies and gentlemen, we have officially crowned the winner of 2021’s Worst Mother In Law in the Wedding Category. Additional points were awarded to this vile woman for calling her future daughter in law a skank and for insisting on wearing her own wedding gown on her son’s big day.

All the glorious tea was spilled on social media via screenshots of a text conversation between the mother in law and the poor bride. But wait, we are then treated to further screenshots of conversations between the bride-to-be and her fiance and the hateful return serve from the enraged mother in law. Really, this is the story that has it all. We are all popcorn-munching drama-whores on this blessed day.

The drama started when the bride-to-be got wind that her partner’s mother had decided on her outfit for the wedding, even though it was still a good fifteen months away.

Thinking it might be wise to check on what her mother in law had planned, the savvy bride asked her directly what she had in mind.

This is the part where all hell broke loose. The bride then took screenshots of all communication and posted them to Facebook.

Well! Game on, mole!

The bride sent screenies to her partner in an attempt to rein her in.

How nice to see that this lovely man is putting his future wife first and not running back under mummy’s skirt. It seemed that the situation was being handled, even if it wasn’t fully resolved.

Oh but wait, there’s more. “Sue” wasn’t giving up control just yet…

I don’t think the bride was the one to make the “family look like horrible people to the Facebook”, lady. You did a fine job of that, yourself.

What a vile cow. Here’s hoping that the couple has a long and happy marriage with little to no contact with this malignant piece of work.


Source: Reddit/Wedding Shaming

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!