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The New Bob the Builder

The new Bob The Builder

The new Bob The Builder

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Who remembers back in early 2011, turning on the TV for the kids to watch one of their favourite shows, Bananas In Pyjamas, only to realize that it wasn’t people in costume running around anymore – it was a whole different animated version of the series?

The new Bob The Builder

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Didn’t you feel your younger self’s memory blow up into a million pieces?

And now, adding to the list of these ‘modern’ versions is none other than the new Bob The Builder.

He’s got a whole new look. The only thing that seems to have been left the same is his tool belt.

He’s taller, slimmer, and obviously feeling a little warmer because he’s ditched the long sleeves and opted for a casual short sleeved collared work shirt.

The new Bob The Builder

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For the avid kid show watchers, he’s a little bit ‘Fireman Sam with a hard hat’.

Parents aren’t happy with the change, with some saying he doesn’t look old enough to have the qualifications to be ‘Bob The Builder’ and that their childhoods have been ruined.

US toy maker Mattel, who are the new owners of Bob The Builder, have said they want to retain the emotional warmth that has always given Bob The Builder a firm place in the hearts of young viewers.

Along with the new-look Bob, he has also moved to ‘Spring City’, and will now use a computer for all of his building designs.

The new series will air in 2015.

Hi, I’m Jess.
Mum of 3 kids, happy wife and self-confessed gossip queen.
I have a background in media and this is where my love of all things celeb began.
Being a mother myself I understand we don’t always have time to sit down, have a cuppa and catch up on the latest breaking gossip stories – this is where I come in!
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