The Reply to This Woman’s Facebook Request Is Both Very Unfair and Very, Very Funny

The Reply to This Woman’s Facebook Request Is Both Very Unfair and Very, Very Funny
There’s something a little bit funny about members of our beloved elderly community using social media. Between minion memes and poorly researched political “facts”, they scatter our feeds with all sorts of nonsense on the regular.
But they are our nannas, our grandads, our great aunts and uncles and the old lady that used to live next door. So we like to keep an eye out for them to make sure they’re not being taken advantage of. As hilarious as they are on Dr Phil, nobody wants an old lady catfish on their hands.
So we look after the older people online by giving them help when they ask for it, like poor Edith Murphy here. She wanted to know how to remove one of her friends from her feed as she has never thought very much of her. Unfortunately for poor Edith, someone named Louella Horley gave her some very terrible, but very funny advice. And she totally fell for it!
Ohhhh my god someone has to bring me an inhaler. Oh how awkward! How utterly hilarious!! Poor Dorothy has no idea either! Bahahahaaa!!
Goodness me, I’m going to have to go and have a Bex and a good lie down after that one. How cruel! How hysterical! You gotta love old people on the internet. Bless them all, each and every one of them.
Eastbourne Facebook is wild
— Beachy Head Ultras (@BeachyHeadCrew) June 10, 2019
*wanders off still giggling*