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These Hilariously Awkward Playground Design Fails Are All Kinds of Inappropriate!

These Hilariously Awkward Playground Design Fails Are All Kinds of Inappropriate!

It must be difficult to design children’s playgrounds. I mean, it might literally be child’s play, but a lot of playground designs are so hideously awkward and unseemly that it must be seriously difficult to find a way to make them… not so weird and inappropriate.

I mean, how would you feel if your child suddenly emerged from this chef’s er… cheese hole?What about if they were shat out by a realistic looking elephant?We don’t know what’s worse, the ascent into this dude’s butt hole or the slide down his willy.We have no idea what is going on here, and it’s probably better this way to be honest with you.It must be a thing though, because here’s another one and it’s not much better.How is this a fun thing to do? Clamber through a weird guy’s mouth tunnel?
What are you looking so intently at, Donald? Do you mind?The flaps on this inflatable snowman -woman are really something, aren’t they? Six slippery dips for the price of one nightmare – perfect!Couldn’t they just make a normal slippery dip and paint a whale on the side or something? Was this atrocity really necessary?Starting to run out of horrified words at this point, you guys. Even Santa feels a little bit of shame with everyone peering at his vagina like that.Okay, so we know it’s meant to be a sword. But that’s not what it looks like, is it?
Might it have helped if Pikachu didn’t look so thrilled to have people wandering in and out of his fun hole? Probably not.How?! How did this get past all the design people without someone flagging this as being a little too rude? Are they having a pissing contest? No? Just holding useless bits of metal to create a shitty archway over an even shittier path? They look thrilled about it.Annnd I think we have a winner. This pirate-themed opening even has a skull and crossbones to mark where the treasure chest is buried in case anyone has trouble finding it.
Great work, everyone!

Source: Bored Panda

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!