This Adorable Random Act of Kindness Has Gone Viral, and Will Definitely Make You Smile

This Adorable Random Act of Kindness Has Gone Viral, and Will Definitely Make You Smile
A mum has taken to Twitter to share something that made her heart smile and hundreds of thousands of social media users are in agreement with her.
Christie Dietz explained in her viral post that her son has always parked his little bike in the same spot against a pole almost every day for the past year. But today when they arrived, there was something on the pole that caught the German mum’s eye and made her day.
“My son has parked his bike by this lamppost just about every day for the last year. This morning, this sticker had appeared. Absolutely made our day. People can be so brilliant. Thank you, whoever did it”
Let’s just zoom in on that mysterious little sticker, shall we?
Oh now, that is just too adorable!
So someone has noticed this sweet little boy’s bike carefully parked in this German street nearly every day and decided to do something cute and funny about it. They had a brilliant idea, snapped a photo and went and had a sticker made. For a complete stranger, for no reason or reward at all but to make someone happy.
And Twitter loved the heck out of it all, racking up nearly 265,000 comments, retweets and likes in just two days.
Omg they must’ve had SO much fun doing that! So much that they didn’t want credit, it was its own reward!
— Thomas Maynard (@TPRMaynard7) September 24, 2018
The fact the sticker is right at your sons height as well. Lovely. Little things like this give me hope for humanity
— Lovetorun (@suz___m) September 25, 2018
This is so precious I want to cry
— Tori Dykes (@toridykes) September 24, 2018
Please let us know if you find out who did it! They must look out for him parking up his bike each day – his arrival and little routine must bring them happiness too ?
— Katie (@seakittenone) September 24, 2018
“So fabulous this has brought a smile to so many people – such a sweet, thoughtful, joyful thing to do,” mum Christie wrote. “It really touched me that someone thought of it and actually went to the trouble of doing it. I’m going to write a thank you note to stick on the lamppost later.”
Christie was no doubt overwhelmed at the attention this simple act of kindness has received but obviously delighted at the response.
“It makes me so very happy that this one person’s lovely deed has made so many people smile!”
My son has parked his bike by this lamppost just about every day for the last year. This morning, this sticker had appeared. Absolutely made our day. People can be so brilliant. Thank you, whoever did it ?
— Christie Dietz (@asausagehastwo) September 24, 2018
Source: Twitter/Christie Dietz