This Family’s Hilariously Disastrous Photoshoot Captures Honest Parenthood in All Its Messy Glory

This Family’s Hilariously Disastrous Photoshoot Captures Honest Parenthood in All Its Messy Glory
Any parent will tell you how hard it is to take a good photo of a group of children. Someone is always distracted, someone else is pulling a funny face and usually at least one child is frowning or looking at their shoe. It’s nearly impossible to get a photo where everyone is happy and smiling at the camera.
We can now add “someone wanders into a muddy pond” to that list of reasons a family photoshoot might turn into a disaster.
Texas family Haleigh and Matthew Mizzles recently learned this the hard way.
The couple and their three children, 6-year-old Ella, 2-year-old Lincoln, and 11-month-old Beckham arranged for a family photoshoot with photographer Jasmine Tamlin. Tamlin had taken a few pictures of the family when they decided on a few pictures of just Haleigh and Matthew. They left their children sitting on a nearby blanket as they had their pictures taken when Tamlin noticed young Lincoln heading towards the nearby pond.
Before anyone knew, Lincoln was knee-deep in dirty pond water and Tamlin managed to catch it all on camera.
Dad Matthew Mizzles asked his son why he went into the pond: “He said he wanted a ‘drink-y’ and then he said he was hot.”
Tamlin commented that it was a great moment to capture on film, and the family was great sports about it all.
“That’s the greatest and craziest, and funniest thing that’s happened on one of my shoots,” Tamlin said. “The fact that they were able to just laugh about it says a lot about their family, too.”
Matthew said it’s the first family photoshoot since the birth of Beckham.
“We were testing the waters,” he said.
Apparently so was Lincoln.
Happily, the family were able to get some gorgeous snaps done before Lincoln took his dip.
Source: Facebook/Haleigh Mizzles