This Hilarious Mum Tried to Sneak Parrots into Her House Without Telling Her “Allergic” Husband

This Hilarious Mum Tried to Sneak Parrots into Her House Without Telling Her “Allergic” Husband
You just know this is going to be one of those stories, right? Like the one about the mum who convinced her daughter that her nipple fell off. Or the time that a lady ate too many health products resulting in a dramatic public toilet experience. People do hilarious shit on the regular, and we are here to report it.
Noor, a young woman from London, recently related to her Twitter followers about what happened when her mother suddenly decided that she was going to sneak some parrots into the house, apparently without her allergic husband noticing them.
Yes, parrots. Those loud, colourful birds that aren’t known for their stealthy qualities.
The family had been trying to stop the mum from purchasing parrots for about ten years when suddenly her impulses got the better of her and she enlisted her daughter to help her finally buy her much-longed-for birds.
Please enjoy Noor’s amazingly funny story, as it is a ripper.
Source: Twitter/Noor