This Rude Mum’s Demands for Free Breast Milk for Her Toddler Is Going Viral for All the Wrong Reasons

This Rude Mum’s Demands for Free Breast Milk for Her Toddler Is Going Viral for All the Wrong Reasons
These days, if you’re rude and demanding to someone in private messages you can bet your booty that it will end up in a public shaming post somewhere. And let’s be clear, public shaming isn’t generally okay, but if someone is behaving badly in private, then sometimes it’s best to shine a light on their behaviour and call it out for what it is.
This is exactly what happened in this scenario. A mum has shared the Facebook Messenger exchange between her and a mutual friend, where the friend has approached the mum asking for some free breastmilk for her toddler.
After uploading her screenshots to Imgur, the anonymous mum’s images have gone viral, showing everyone just how rude and demanding some people can be.
Take a look for yourself:
Secondly, for us Aussies, 60 ounces is 1.7 litres.
Thirdly, that thumbs up at the end is just gold! What else could she possibly say to this rude woman at this point? Aside from telling this shameless turbo-bitch that she is trash juice on a hot summers day, I mean.
Who does that? Who demands free breastmilk like that? She wants to literally take it away from premature babies without a single care in the world. Apparently her toddler, who should be able to eat many foods and milky drinks by now, needs it more than tiny exclusively breastfed premature babies.
Women who donate breastmilk are absolute superstars, feeding and nurturing so many little ones who need it. Bravo to this woman, and shame on the one who couldn’t care less about them, despite claiming to have a preemie of her own at one point.
Source: Imgur