This Video of a Couple Rapping “Push It” by Salt-N-Pepa Right Before Giving Birth is Pure Gold!

This Video of a Couple Rapping “Push It” by Salt-N-Pepa Right Before Giving Birth is Pure Gold!
Do you remember what you were doing ten minutes before you gave birth?
Some of us might be labouring hard and nearing the final push, others might be preparing for a c-section and dealing with everything that entails. In any case, there is often no time to put on a variety show with multiple stars and a banging beat.
Dad to be Jordan Houston shared a video of he and his partner in the delivery room when they decided to break out into song accompanied by their family and nursing staff.
Of course, the song was “Push It” by Salt-N-Pepa — what else would it be?
Jordan took over the beatboxing while soon-to-be mum Jadie Phelps sang the vocals, and we think you’ll agree that the new parents absolutely nailed it!
“And you will be here soon enough, as soon as your mama pushes you real good!” Jordan says in the video which has been watched over 13 million times since it was uploaded to Facebook.
It could be said that the couple’s baby daughter Alaya enjoyed their musical interlude because she was born just ten minutes later.
Talk about new parent goals!
Congratulations on your new addition, Jordan and Jadie, she’s absolutely divine!
Source: Facebook/Jordan Houston