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This Women’s Magazine from 1958 Reveals 129 Different Ways to Attract a Husband and Their Suggestions Will Make You Laugh

This Women’s Magazine from 1958 Reveals 129 Different Ways to Attract a Husband and Their Suggestions Will Make You Laugh

Ask a young person today who they go to for dating advice and the least likely answer would be their great-grandparents. There is a very good reason for that, and this magazine article from the fifties detailing more than a hundred ways to attract a man proves the point entirely.

The monthly publication McCall’s, humorously branded as “the magazine of togetherness”, produced a nine paged “brain-storming report” on how to attract a husband with dozens of poorly thought out tips and tricks intended to woo a man to your doorstep. Times have changed a lot since 1958, leaving almost all of the advice from this woman’s magazine article sadly, yet still hilariously, lacking.

The 129 best suggestions as put forward by the brain-storming participants claims that “the day has passed when a reasonably pretty girl can sit, hands folded, on her front veranda waiting for Mr Right to come along”. As they see it, “getting married today is a problem in social engineering”, and one that they are helping to solve with these new tips, “daring enough to set the most sophisticated bachelor into a gyroscopic spin!”

Let’s dive in!

Some personal favourites:

19. Get lost at football games
34. Wear a band-aid. People always ask what happened.
55. Take good care of your health. Men don’t like girls who are ill.
58. Get a sunburn
70. Don’t be too fussy
114. Stow away on a battleship

Now if you’re thinking that these suggestions are fabulous and intend to try a few, please take a quick gander at the people who came up with them, for they are clearly on the cutting edge of dating in 1958:

Good one, guys. Great effort here.

Kim Marx-Kuczynski discovered the brilliance of this article when she picked up a copy of the magazine and the headline on the cover caught her eye. She shared the pages on her social media much to the amusement of thousands of people ever since.

Source: Facebook/Kim Marx-Kuczynski

Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!