Three-Year-Old Left Devastated After His Mum Found His Pee Drawer

Three-Year-Old Left Devastated After His Mum Found His Pee Drawer
Yes, you read that correctly. This article is about a pee drawer. A drawer full of pee. And a devastated toddler who is distraught to learn that his drawer-peeing days are over.
A three-year-old boy in the UK has been busted big time. After wondering aloud why her home reeked of urine, the child led his horrified mother to his secret pee drawer.
And that is when this magnificent photo of a devastated toddler, wearing a Batman costume and clearly inconsolable while sitting next to his drawer full of piss, was captured in all its disgusting glory and posted to Twitter.
Phoebe Bartlett’s photo of her little brother, Freddie, immediately took off because it is absolutely hilarious and perfectly sums up the joys (or lack thereof) of parenting toddlers.
mum has just found a draw full off piss that my 3 year old brother has been pissing in and he blamed the dog HAHA!!!
— phoebe bartlett (@phoebebartlett_) October 24, 2017
Ohh my goodness, I can smell it from here.
That poor mum. We can only imagine that her horrified reaction might have looked something like this: I feel so bad for her right now. I mean, we’ve all had to deal with some nasty shit that our disgusting offspring have sent our way at one time or another, but a piss drawer? That is on a whole ‘nother level of rank!
There is no way that drawer could be salvaged, surely? I can only imagine what a week’s worth of toddler urine would do to chipboard.
Bartlett told Scary Mommy all the nasty details:
“What happened was, Mum could smell wee in her room for about a week but couldn’t find a patch from the dog, so she asked my brother if the wee was in his room and he said yes, and then he opened the drawer and she screamed.”
A completely natural reaction to seeing (and smelling) a drawer full of concentrated toddler piss.
“She said, ‘Did you do this?’ and he then said he did.” And that’s when Bartlett’s mum called her into the room where she promptly snapped a photo and made her baby brother go viral for having his very own piss drawer.
According to Buzzfeed, Freddie’s mother threw away the entire bedside table after seeing the mess. Bartlett believes her brother must have used the drawer instead of the toilet because he’d get too lazy when playing on his tablet.
“He must have been doing it while he’s in his room watching his tablet, which is also on the drawer, and can’t be bothered to go to the toilet, so he opened the drawer and was peeing in there.”
I don’t know about you, but I’m counting my blessings that I don’t have to deal with a drawer full of toddler wee right now.
Holy pissdrawer, Batman!
Source: Twitter/Phoebe Bartlett
This kid would not have anything but a bed and possibly a table for a ask u til his teen years. No draws. No boxes. Nothing he could pee in. It would be a long while to build trust again ?