UK Survey Reveals The Exact Age That Clubbing Becomes ‘Tragic’

UK Survey Reveals The Exact Age That Clubbing Becomes ‘Tragic’
If you’re a fan of dancing the night away at a nightclub, then we may have some bad news for you.
A surprising new study has revealed when it is time to stop going out — what age it is considered “tragic” to still be clubbing.
Wow, that’s a fair bit younger than we were thinking.
I shall add this to my list of things that I’ll never do again then shall I?
☑ Eat Apricot Chicken
☑ Wear a crop top in public
☑ Speak to that cow that was mean to me in 1993
☑ Go nightclubbing
The study found that people generally like staying in and cosying up with a glass of wine and a boxset from around 31 years of age.
The biggest factors for people preferring a quiet night in were not being able to “face the hangover”, not wanting to get “dressed up”, having to “arrange babysitters” and “book a taxi”.
Yeah, well, that is totally understandable. Those are very good reasons. Plus there are all those judgemental youths at the nightclub too, watching you and wondering when your hip is going to give out.
According to the study, 37% of those interviewed didn’t like seeing people in their 40s and 50s, who have outlived their invitation to the dance floor, surrounded by those in their 20s at bars and clubs. They totes skeeve them out.
How very dare they! Here’s what I have to say to that:
While most people agree that they are well over the idea of clubbing by the age of 30, most would also resent the idea of being called tragic!
Society has been putting pressure on people to age gracefully for a long time. One we reach “a certain age” (which remains undefined) we should cut our hair, stop wearing tight or revealing clothing and now quit clubbing too.
Thirty seven percent of people polled think that dancing in a club over the age of 37 is tragic. That’s a big old chunk of judgement right there. More than one in three people!
Damn, kids!
All you twenty-something Judgy McJudgersons will get older before you know it. Then you’ll be the tragic ones still dancing along happily to now-retro hipster pop, completely oblivious to the eye-rolls and withering glances of the younger ones judging YOU.
Enjoy it while it lasts, millennials! It’s all downhill from your mid-thirties onwards! x
Source: Giphy