Uproar After Schoolboy Goes to School Dressed as Christian Grey for World Book Day

11 year old UK schoolboy Liam Scholes was told that his World Book Day costume was ‘offensive” and was asked to change it after he turned up to school dressed as the BDSM-addicted protagonist Christian Grey, from Fifty Shades of Grey – complete with cable ties and a an eye mask as props!
But his mother Nicola Scholes, a Primary school teacher herself, disagrees:
“I appreciate some people will be offended but it’s a bit tongue in cheek.”
“Liam’s not read the book, but Christian Grey has been the most talked about book character for the past few years, I don’t see what the big deal is?”
Ms Scholes accused the school of having double standards, pointing out that one of the teachers was dressed as serial killer Dexter, in a blood spattered costume, and other children were allowed to run around waving guns.
“I got a phone call home from the school saying the outfit was inappropriate and that he had been excluded from taking part or being in any of the photographs.”
Lynn Nicholls, head teacher of the secondary school stands by her decision.
“The student was not excluded from taking part in any of the activities as has been wrongly reported,” she said. “His costume was modified and he was then able to fully participate and enjoy the day with his peers.
The aim of our World Book Day events was to celebrate and encourage reading and we are disappointed that what was a fantastic day for our students has been marred by this issue.”
It is reported that Liam was allowed to participate in the photograph and celebrations after his costume was modified to reflect James Bond instead.
But Mum has agreed to disagree with the schools decision:
“They wanted him to be James Bond [who] ironically is a very promiscuous character who kills people. So I don’t know who is worse of the two.”
Have Your Say: Is the costume inappropriate for a Year 7 student?