Warning Issued After Young Mum Dies Choking On Jaffa Cakes During Party Trick

Warning Issued After Young Mum Dies Choking On Jaffa Cakes During Party Trick
A young mum tragically choked to death recently after taking part in a party game at her home. Bethan Gaskin collapsed in Lincolnshire on February 22nd after attempting to shove as many Jaffa Cake biscuits into her mouth as she could.
The 24 year old mum was participating in the dangerous game when she blacked out and stopped breathing after some of the food got lodged in her windpipe. This lack of oxygen resulted in a subsequent heart attack and brain damage which saw the young Gaskin die in hospital five days later.
Gaskin’s grieving parents are now speaking out on the dangers of such party games in an effort to warn others. Her devastated mother Michele,52 warned people of the risks of extreme food challenges. She told the Stamford Mercury: ‘I remember raising my eyebrows when Bethan started the game, thinking ‘how old are you?’ and telling her to spit them out. She was like a little hamster with her cheeks bulging. She danced off to the toilet to get rid of them and it was only a while later we realised she had been gone a long time.’
After realising their daughter had been gone for an unusually long time they went in to check on her. There they found her lying unconscious on the bathroom floor. Michele said she knew right away that her daughter wasn’t coming back.
“In my heart I knew we had lost her before they put her into the ambulance. Too much time was passing. She looked perfect and so beautiful. It was just like she was sleeping. So many people have said they play a similar game with marshmallows. Even my 90-year-old aunt said she does it with Maltesers.This just shows how fragile we are,” Michele said.
Tragically, Gaskin has left behind her three year old daughter Lili. “I just told her that Mummy was very sick and the doctors couldn’t make her better so she has died and we can’t see her again. We talk about Bethan with Lili and she has asked a few times when we are going to mummy’s,” Michele said.
“Lili was her life and she wanted her to experience everything she had done. Joseph worshipped his sister when they were younger and now him and Lili are very close. Bethan was only 5ft 2 and Joseph is 6ft but she always put him in his place and now Lili does too. We were blessed to have her as long as we did.”
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