Wedding Staff and Guests Reveal the Biggest Bridezilla Moments They’ve Witnessed

Wedding Staff and Guests Reveal the Biggest Bridezilla Moments They’ve Witnessed
It can be hard not to get carried away making your wedding day absolutely perfect, but there’s a fine line between being particular about the finer details and being a bridezilla. Let’s be clear — there is nothing wrong with organising your day to run as smoothly and as beautifully as possible, but this isn’t what we are talking about here!
These wedding guests and event staff were asked what the biggest bridezilla moments they had witnessed at someone’s special day, and their answers did not disappoint!
❤ I saw a bride kick ugly people out of a group photo.
❤ This lady came in and demanded to be refit for her wedding dress. She was claiming they made her dress too small. Our staff quickly took her back and started ensuring their measurements were correct that they used to have the dress made.
Nope. She had gained 7kgs since her fitting.
My boss said, “Ma’am, I’m not sure how to say this, but you’ve gotten bigger. The dress matches the measurements we took of you when you ordered the dress.”
She threatened to call all kinds of police and current affairs reporters. Ultimately my boss said, “If you’re going to call anyone I’d recommend a gym.”
❤ A girl I know, I’ll call her Kate, was a bridesmaid at a wedding. On the morning of the wedding, the bride had a full on screaming bitch fit and demoted Kate from being bridesmaid because she had decided that Kate looked too pretty after having her makeup done and the bride wanted to be the prettiest.
❤ She spent weeks crying to my sister and I that ‘No one is happy enough that we’re getting married!’ She literally wanted us to call her once a week and tell her how happy we were that she was getting hitched, and how lucky we felt to be in her wedding party.
When we went bridesmaid dress shopping, she broke down crying when we chose the less expensive dress and accused us all of trying to ruin her big day by making ourselves uglier. Yes, uglier.
The next day, she called me to tell me I was out of the wedding party because I just wasn’t the kind of person she wanted in her wedding. You know, after we bought the dresses. She then invited other people to take me and my sister’s place, in her wedding party, with the expectation that she’d be able to give them the dresses we’d paid for. She called, screaming that I had ruined EVERYTHING when she went to pick up her bridesmaid’s dresses and was 2 short. I had called and cancelled the order, and gotten a refund.
❤ My sister came to the bride’s house early to help her into the dress. They came out of a room at the same time, and the father of the bride wasn’t able to see his daughter clearly, so he told my sister that she looked beautiful that day. The bride got offended because she thought her father had ignored her for my sister, and they had to spend an hour trying to coax her out of the room she locked herself into to cry and scream.
❤ The bride asked me what colour her bridesmaids should wear (I was one.) I told her that given all five of us were redheads, a pale, pastel lilac is the only colour which should be avoided, as it makes us look dead. Guess what dresses she picked? Floor length silk, pastel lilac. I assumed she’d forgot.
Her sweet husband later told me, completely nonplussed, that of course, the bride has to put bridesmaids in awful dresses because she has to be the prettiest on the day.
❤ My sister in law threw a massive fit because my other brother proposed to his girlfriend and they wanted to get married in the same year, but months apart (June vs December). She said it was her special year and didn’t want her attention taken.
❤ The bride strode into a gorgeous rented chapel 4 hours early — while 30 people are praying — in her super short makeup robe, and freaked out because a table was not set up at that moment, then picked up a chair in front of everyone and threw it at a trash can.
❤ Bride’s sister became pregnant six months before the wedding and the bride had a meltdown saying her sister had done it on purpose to steal her thunder. Threatened to kick her out of the wedding, nearly tearing the family apart.
❤ My sister threw such a fit at my mother during the wedding dress search that my father offered her a blank check to “elope so we don’t have to put up with this.”
❤ The bride made her flower girl wear white pantyhose because the little girl’s legs were “too hairy”!
❤ Our wedding venue booked two wedding parties on the same day. No problem, they said we wouldn’t overlap, we didn’t particularly care anyway.
Towards the end of getting our photos done, the photographer says to me we’re being moved to another part of the garden because this other party was inside and the bride did not want to see another bride on her big day.
Have you witnessed an epic Bridezilla moment yourself? We’d love to hear about it!