WATCH: Widow Stan Beaton’s Reaction When He Hears Wife’s ‘Lost’ 14 Year Old Voicemail Recording

If you have ever lost a loved one, you will know just how precious little mementos of them can be.
Imagine Stan Beaton’s devastation when a 14 year old voicemail recording of his wife Ruby, was accidentally wiped by phone engineers at Virgin Media during a landline upgrade.
68 year old retired forklift driver Stan, who lost his wife 12 years ago to stomach cancer, was heartbroken to lose the recording just before Christmas, revealing that he used to listen to it regularly when he was missing his wife, or just needed cheering up.
But, despite first telling Stan that it was unfortunately gone forever, Virgin Media pulled out all the stops with a team of 10 spending 3 days tracking down the lost voicemail.
Watch his reaction when the missing audio file is played for him….and be prepared for chin wobbles and eye leakage!
Of course, it’s no doubt proved a fabulous PR stunt for Virgin Media – but it’s enormously heart-warming to see Stan’s joy at hearing the voice again of a woman whose death has clearly left a giant sized hole in his heart! Sniff, sniff!