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Woman Accuses Boyfriend of Cheating on Her and Is Totally Embarrassed When She Finds Out the Truth

Woman Accuses Boyfriend of Cheating on Her and Is Totally Embarrassed When She Finds Out the Truth

There are a few red flags that someone is cheating on their partner, and one of the most common warning signs are random text messages from someone new. Phones get put on silent, faces light up when a message comes through, calls are taken in another room, you know the drill. It’s often a clear indicator that a third party is involved.

A woman has had these exact same suspicions that her own boyfriend was cheating on her after she spotted these warning signs in her own relationship.

Taking to Reddit, she explained how she screwed up by assuming her partner was cheating on her and that she felt utterly embarrassed once she found out the heartwarming truth.

The sweet story charmed Reddit so much that the post received over 600 awards and almost 60,000 upvotes.

Most people admitted that her post tugged at their heartstrings, thinking that it was very kind of her boyfriend to help his granny learn new technology.

“Babe sounds badass,” one wrote to the poster, who replied, “She is!”

Another person agreed: “Anyone who can adapt to new technology at 85 is a hero in my book”

“Well done for communicating with him – some people may not have and go doing things themselves and that be a proper FU”, wrote another, praising the OP’s communication skills.

Others, however, claimed that this was the best cheating cover story ever and that this woman was a gullible clown.

“Great save. Guy took care of all the details,” penned one appreciative Redditor.

“To be honest, that would be a pretty good backup story if you were cheating!” added another.

There really are two kinds of people, aren’t there?


Source: Reddit/TIFU

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Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!