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Woman Discovers Her Mother In Law Wearing A Replica Of Her Engagement Ring!

Woman Discovers Her Mother In Law Wearing A Replica Of Her Engagement Ring!


How would you feel if someone loved your engagement ring so much that they went out and got a replica made of it. Then they wore it on their ring finger. Imagine that person is your mother in law. How would you be?

One woman shared this mortifying story on Reddit saying her MIL basically started wearing the exact same ring as her without letting her know.


At the time of her engagement the mother in law helped fund the ring and even encouraged her son to propose again in a fancy restaurant. Apparently the first proposal was very low key and not exactly what the MIL imagined.

“She helped facilitate the purchase of a real engagement ring, took us to a fancy restaurant and took our daughter off our hands so he could make a scene of it,” she wrote. “The ring is gorgeous, and even through my MIL is embarrassed that it’s NOT a REAL diamond, I love it all the same.”



“Apparently when she ordered my ring, she ordered herself a copy,” she continued. “I saw her wearing it last week and asked her what the difference is between our rings. ‘No difference, I just liked it so much I got myself one too.'” She later added that her MIL has been wearing the ring on her left finger, “with her wedding band.”

“This. Feels. Weird. Am I overreacting?” she wondered.

Now let me think about this for a second….UMM, NO YOU’RE NOT OVERREACTING! IT IS DEFINITELY WEIRD! Commenters took to the post two add their two cents to let the woman know her feelings were a hundred percent justified.

“I just read your story to my husband to see what his reaction was,” one commenter wrote. “Even he made a face and said that is the weirdest thing. Once I mentioned the comment about her wearing it on her ring finger next to her wedding band, he was absolutely appalled.”

Another commenter also read it to her partner who thought it was odd. “I did the same and he just stared and me and shook his head hahaha,” the commenter wrote. “This is a big yucky no no OP!”

“I’d take it back and get a different one,” a third person agreed. “It feels a little too much like she’s imagining being married to her son. Or she wants to single white female you.”

There were those however who could see the MIL’s point of view and offered a different opinion.

“I don’t think she is doing it to be spiteful or weird,” one commenter said.

“Maybe she wants a connection with you. Kinda like when BFFs get matching necklaces? You have been her (kind of) daughter for years, now you are an official daughter, and she wants a relationship. Mothers of boys usually love having a daughter-in-law because they finally have a girl to do girl stuff with. You can be ring twins! Have her treat you to a pedicure and a few shopping trips, she would probably be happy to do that too.”

“For me, I guess I wouldn’t think anything of it,” a second person wrote. “Just a ring. It’s totally up to you but as the 1 percent [who don’t think it’s strange] I would not think twice.”

The woman updated her post saying that when she told her husband about the matching rings, he was “just as weirded out as I am.” She later added that they can’t really confront her at the moment about it.

“Unfortunately we’re living with her at the moment, so we’re at a disadvantage when it comes to establishing boundaries,” she explained. “This is definitely not her first offence.”

How would you react in this situation?


Images: Pixabay

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal Lovevintage

Chrystal is a writer and blogger who loves nothing more than watching back to back episodes of crime shows. Should she ever find herself needing to cover up a crime, she'll know exactly what to do! Her dream is to one day live in Palm Springs where she can do her writing poolside while drinking endless gin and tonics. Mum to the cutest twin boys in the world, she loves nothing more than the sound of their laughter (usually heard when they're conspiring against her). Entertainment writer and pop culture junkie, she will be bringing you all the celebrity gossip and news that your brain can handle. You can follow her blog at and on Instagram at Chrystalovevintage