Woman “Helps” Her Broke Friend by Bringing Her Two Bags of Rubbish Groceries – How Would You React?

Woman “Helps” Her Broke Friend by Bringing Her Two Bags of Rubbish Groceries – How Would You React?
If you were struggling for cash and finding it difficult to fill your fridge and pantry this month, it would seem that two bags of groceries brought around by a friend would be a lifesaver. But one woman is ready to end a friendship over what was initially thought to be a kind gesture turned out to be literal rubbish.
Taking to Mumsnet, a popular UK-based forum where women chat about their day to day lives, the woman asked if she was being unreasonable to be upset that her supposed friend gave her all the old, manky food that she no longer wanted.
The understandably upset woman was looking for support after feeling let down by her friend. She writes:
It wasn’t long before other boardies agreed that her friend’s “thoughtful” donations were dehumanising and insulting.
“I’d feel pissed off and let down by this too. She might as well be giving you with one hand, and hitting you with the other!”, wrote one user known only as Dieu.
“I’d have been really upset too and probably felt rather embarrassed if I’d been thanking her profusely only to then find it was a bag of actual rubbish, it’d make me feel stupid,” agreed ohgawdwhat.
“So sorry, OP. That isn’t nice, especially from a friend.”
Dudsville added her thoughts to the mix as well: “I’d have been hurt by that. I’d be tempted to drop her a line letting her know that the food was used, out of date and mouldy and how could she think that was appropriate. I’d then cut ties before the response came. That’s just downright disrespectful.”
“That’s unbelievably rude. If she were really a friend, she’d have bought you a fresh bag of groceries with staple food cupboard items and treats in it,” added Woodcutbirds, echoing a sentiment many people agreed with.
How do you think you would feel about this if it had happened to you? Would you confront your so-called friend? Tell us in the comments!
Source: Mumsnet
If the pantry food is labelled “best before”, not too old past that date and un-opened it would be safe to eat. “best before” is a guide. Any mouldy food I would put in the bin, the same with stale vegetables especially if they wilting, slimy or mouldy.
This is terribly and rather dehumanising! I really feel for this lady and wish I could give her a big hug. I’d keep this person as a friend (be it at arms length) and when you get back on your feet (and you will – even if it takes some time) give her a four bags of groceries similar in standard to those she gave you to “thank” her for “helping” you when you were down and out! Tell her you are paying back double what people gave you!
This is terribly and rather dehumanising! I really feel for this lady and wish I could give her a big hug. I’d keep this person as a friend (be it at arms length) and when you get back on your feet (and you will – even if it takes some time) give her a four bags of groceries similar in standard to those she gave you to “thank” her for “helping” you when you were down and out! Tell her you are paying back double what people gave you!
This is terribly and rather dehumanising! I really feel for this lady and wish I could give her a big hug. I’d keep this person as a friend (be it at arms length) and when you get back on your feet (and you will – even if it takes some time) give her a couple of bags of groceries similar in standard to those she gave you to “thank” her for “helping” you when you were down and out!