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Woman Left Mortified After Hilarious NSFW Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Misunderstanding

Woman Left Mortified After Hilarious NSFW Brazilian Laser Hair Removal Misunderstanding

Have you ever had such an embarrassing misunderstanding that you have considered never going back and showing your face again? What if it were so bad that you couldn’t show your arsehole again? That’s got to be really bad, right?

A woman has taken to Reddit’s popular sub, TIFU (Today I Fucked Up), to share possibly the most mortifying Brazilian laser hair removal story since the dawn of time. Or at least since the dawn of laser hair removal anyway. Whatever. It’s a cracker.

The Redditor known as TapiocaCactus writes:

Obligatory this happened a couple of days ago but I’ve only just psychologically recovered from my utter embarrassment.

So. After lockdown ended in my country, there’s been a huge sale at my local laser hair removal clinic and so I thought fuck it, I might as well go for it. So I paid for my 10 visits and set off for the first one, a little nervous but excited for my new, hairless body. Now I decided it would be a great idea to get a full Brazilian, allll the way from front to back. Pretty normal right?

The lovely nurse comes in and gives me a brief heads up, explains how it all works sorta thing. So she leaves the room, leaving me to strip down. She comes back in and decides that we are going to laser away the hair around my asshole first. All well and good right?

So the instructions I’m given are “lay on your right side, and use your left hand to pull up your bum cheek”

So here I am, lying on my side, hand pulling up my bum while this lady sticks a laser round my asshole. Now, on my left hand, I wear this gorgeous silver ring with a bright blue gem- it was handmade by my best friends boyfriend so it’s pretty unique.

So this lady saw my gorgeous ring, and decided to break the awkward silence with a “that’s a cute ring you have there”.

And of course, I happened to forget I was wearing the damn ring. It just made sense in my head that this nurse was complimenting the ring of my asshole. Yeah. I know.

So, still on my side, I tell her “thank you! It’ll be a lot nicer when it’s hairless lol”

Cue awkward laugh and then silence, until I realised that she was not, in fact, talking about my bum. Finished the rest of the appointment without speaking and dashed out of there as soon as possible. Still recovering.

TL;DR: my laser hair removal technician complimented my ring on my finger while doing laser hair removal on my asshole, and I thought she was saying I had a cute asshole

TapiocaCactus then added a picture of her delightful ring, the one with the cute blue stone, to the post.

Not gonna lie, that is a cute ring.

And did Reddit this story? Oh boy, did they what! Just over eleven hours in and the post has accumulated more than 60,000 upvotes and more than 70 awards that people actually pay money for.

The best comment: “Only 9 more awkward visits to go”


Source: Reddit/TIFU


Jill Slater

Jill Slater

Jill is a busy wife and mother of four young children. She loves nothing more than making people giggle, and loves to settle in with a glass of wine (or four) and wander about the internet. Feel free to follow her to see all the cool stuff she finds!