This Woman’s Sound Wave Tattoo Replays Her Grandmother’s Last Voicemail Message to Her Before She Died

This Woman’s Sound Wave Tattoo Replays Her Grandmother’s Last Voicemail Message to Her Before She Died
Technology is moving forward at what seems to be a phenomenal speed lately. New innovations like virtual reality and always-listening virtual assistants are now everyday household items. It’s like we’re living in Marty and Jennifer’s high tech house in Back to the Future 2!
So it doesn’t really come as a surprise that sound wave tattoos are now a thing.
One woman opted for a sound wave tattoo of her grandmother’s last voicemail before she passed away, in which she wished her granddaughter a happy birthday and told her that she loves her.
Whenever Chicago singer Sakyrah Angelique, 18, wants to hear her grandmother’s voice, all she needs to do is hold her phone’s camera over the tattoo, placed across her heart.
My grandma passed away my junior year of high school. A month before she passed, she left me a voicemail wishing me happy birthday. Today I got that exact waveform tattooed across my heart, and I am able to play it just by holding my camera over it❤️❤️
— ✨s.o.s. (@sakyrahhh) January 3, 2018
“My grandma meant the world to me,” Sakyrah explained.
“About a month before she passed away, she left me a voicemail at midnight wishing me a happy birthday and telling me that she loved me. I’ve been holding on to this voicemail for almost 3 years now, not knowing what I would do with it.
“I made the decision to get a tattoo of the sound wave of the voicemail. Thanks to a new company called Skin Motion, I am able to play her voicemail when I hold my camera over the tattoo. Her voice will forever be across my heart.”
Sakyrah posted her video to her followers on Twitter and Instagram, and her story has since gone viral.
“I am so grateful that I was able to inspire so many people across the country, and now even across the world,” the talented singer writes. “I know for a fact that my grandma will forever be proud of me. I am so happy that all of this is happening to me because of her. Thank you all so much.”
What a beautiful way to memorialise a much-loved family member! Is this something you would like to try?
Source: Twitter/Sakyrahhh and Instagram/Sakyrah Angelique