You Can Totally Make a Christmas Tree Out of Succulents this Festive Season

You Can Totally Make a Christmas Tree Out of Succulents this Festive Season
We’ve not had too much reason to celebrate anything this year, have we? Let’s face it, the whole thing has been a monumental shitshow of gigantic proportions. But all that has changed now that you can finally find time to make your own succulent Christmas tree!!
Yes, I’m excited and I’m not afraid to show it.
These divine arrangements are available on Etsy in the US, but if we all cross our fingers, close our eyes tightly and wish hard enough there might be some Aussie artisans picking up our vibes and making them available here. Or we could just drop them an email, whatever works, right?
These stunning live arrangements are priced between $160 and $350, but there are lots of online tutorials showing you how to make your own Christmas tree out of succulents purchased locally.
Or you could make a succulent Christmas tree out of fake plants, like the one pictured below. Store it carefully and bring it out year after year! No one will ever know.
All you’d need is a triangular piece of wood (or recycle an old wooden piece of Christmas decor), a hot glue gun, and a bunch of fake succulents from the cheap shop! This could be a fun project for the kids in the weeks leading up to Christmas!
You could even add some festive baubles like this expensive live version on Etsy!
This design featuring haworthias is especially divine and Christmas-tree-like!
What do you think? Is this something you could pull off?
Checking out some tutorials on the internet, all you need to do is to create a conical Christmas tree shape out of wire, stuff it full of sphagnum moss, “plant it” in a nice pot and start arranging your succulents around the cone!
Gosh, I reckon even I could do that!
Just Google “How to make a succulent Christmas Tree” and there will be pages of sites with loads of suggestions.
You can even be completely extra and string fairy lights through it! I’m so inspired right now I can’t stand it.
So what do you reckon? Are you going to make one?
Source: ‘How to’ tutorial from The Succulents Box and Etsy sellers TerracottaCornerFL, TheSavvySucculents, and RileysOasis