Young Woman Hits Back After Discovering Her Photo Had Been Turned Into Hurtful Memes!

Young Woman Hits Back After Discovering Her Photo Had Been Turned Into Hurtful Memes!
We’ve all been guilty of sharing and laughing at the latest meme doing the rounds on social media without a second thought. And while it may seem like innocent fun have you ever stopped to think about who is actually in the photo and how they feel having their image splashed across social media?
College student Ashley VanPevenage discovered she had become the butt of internet jokes after sharing an amazing before-and-after acne transformation photo of herself on Instagram. VanPevenage covered up her skin with makeup and it was subsequently turned into a viral meme with two captions:
“The reason you gotta take a b-tch swimming on the first date” and
“I don’t understand how people can do this and I can’t figure out how to conceal a single pimple on my face.”
Once VanPevenage discovered these hurtful memes she decided to have her say through a Youtube video where she described how much the memes and comments affected her.
She starts her message by posting a screenshot and saying “I’ll be the first to say that I’ve been entertainment by many memes but when it’s actually you and you’re dealing with all the harsh comments it’s a whole different story.”
VanPevenage continues to say that the incident did hurt her self esteem at first and even caused her to want to stay indoors. But then she had an epiphany and realised what others think of her doesn’t concern her!
“People’s opinions don’t matter to me. Everyone should feel beautiful in their own skin. And it doesn’t matter what’s on the outside of your face. The only thing that matters is who you really are,” she says.
Unfortunately when you upload your image onto social media you really do lose all control over it. Anyone can copy it and use it however they wish. How sad that this poor woman was bullied into doubting herself and her beauty by some online trolls that had nothing better to do.
Maybe it’s time we all thought twice about the origins of those memes we may innocently copy and share with our friends. Do you agree?
Photos: Instagram