Attipas Toddler Shoes Review and Giveaway

The importance of finding a well fitted shoe to protect the healthy-development of young feet can’t be stressed enough, and never more so than when your toddler is taking his or first tentative steps.
Attipas shoes were launched after 7 years of research and development and are a world first. They are as light as a sock but more supportive than a pre-walker, and ergonomically support toddlers’ first steps and thereafter.
Two lucky Mums Lounge members were recently given the opportunity to trial these shoes with their little people.
‘I chose the pink converse ones as my daughter is girly but she is also very funky, I instantly knew she’d love them! She saw the shoes and squealed with delight, and when I put them on her she ran around the room showing them off and was very reluctant to take them off. I watched her carefully and noticed how easily she moved in them, almost like she was barefoot. The Attipas shoe give the foot the freedom of movement due to their shape so the big toes can spread out and not be confined and they can walk around like they are wearing socks but have the protection of shoes! Brilliant!
They are now her favourite pair and I get lots of comments of how great they look. The best thing is that as well as looking great, I know they are ergonomically supporting her feet and if she can’t be barefoot then this is the next best thing!’
Georgie, Mum of 1.
‘My son Oliver is 14 months and is starting to take his first steps. He has the coolest collection of sneakers any 1 year old can ask for but, when it comes to putting them on his feet, his toes curl up and it becomes a 10 minute mission that usually ends in failure. If I do manage to get them on his feet he walks around for 30 seconds then trips and one shoe falls off! And yes in case you’re wondering I have the right size shoes.
When I saw these funky little shoe socks, I was intrigued. I picked up a pair of blue converse style shoes and thought I have to try these, I couldn’t wait to get them home to try on Oliver. He loves socks so maybe this could work…
Luckily on returning to home the sun was shining outside and it was time to try out Oliver’s new shoes. He automatically pointed and said shss (shoes) and without any complaint they went straight onto his feet. Being a beginner walker I am very hesitant putting anything on his feet as he tends to trip more. But these sock shoes are so functional he is able to walk around with his toes flat on the ground, it’s like he is walking barefoot. He walks around with ease and seems extremely happy to be wearing his shoe socks. Amazing since he hates wearing shoes. Now it is the only pair of shoes he will wear outside and will often take them to the door when he is ready to go.
Finally we have found a shoe we both like! One that is easy to put on, supports his feet and looks cool at the same time. Did I mention they are really easy to clean and dry?’
Sarah, Mum of 1
Attipas shoes are available in 11 cute colours and 4 sizes suitable from birth to 40 months. You can view the full range at
You can also find Attipas on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
Attipas Australia would also like to give a pair of their shoes to two Mums Lounge readers.
To enter simply follow the instructions on the rafflecopter widget below.
Good luck.