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BIOGLAN Kids’ Probiotic Choc Balls Review and Giveaway

Probiotics kids choc balls bioglan


Probiotics kids choc balls bioglanThe human digestive tract is host to billions of bacteria. As gross as that sounds, it isn’t all bad. You see, there is good bacteria, as well as the more harmful bad bacteria, and keeping a balance between these in our digestive system is vital for good health and well being.

Unfortunately the balance can be easily disrupted by poor diet, stress, disease, food poisoning and some medicines – particularly antibiotics as they do not distinguish between good and bad bacteria and can allow our bowels vulnerable to bacteria and yeast.

In order to reinstate or maintain the balance, friendly bacteria known as Pobiotics can be consumed to inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria, promote digestion, boost immune function and increase resistance to infection.

Bioglan Kids’ Probiotic Choc Balls promote healthy tummies and immune system containing 500 million Lactobacillus Acidophillus and 500 million Bifidobacterium Lactis per serve to help maintain a healthy balance in your child’s digestive system. The great taste makes getting your child to take one everyday will be a piece of cake…and if you forget, they’ll be sure to remind you!

                          Suitable from 2 years and over.


 Pro Biotic Choco Balls testimonials from the Mums Lounge panel of testers

Samantha Mum of 1:

My 4.5yr old daughter Isabella is little miss fussy! She did however LOVE her chocolate ‘treat’ every morning and she had no idea that she was having something so good for her! I have noticed an improvement in her bowel movements as well and I am more than happy to recommend the choc pro biotic balls to every little person out there!


I have been giving my 2yr old daughter the probiotics and she loves her “special chocolate”. She thinks they are yummy and so easy to give her. The only down side she wants to eat the whole lot. Lol had to buy a pack of Malteasers. I would highly recommend these to anybody.

Anita, SA, children aged 2 and 5

My boys both love these! They even asked for more after they had the very first one! After a couple of days I could tell that this product will be one I will be sticking with. I love that it’s helping their little sensitive
tummies as well as their overall health, so nice to finally have a product that my boys love and its good for them!


I’m a mother of 2 a boy who is 2 and a 9 month old girl. As my main focus in life is to ensure that my children receive the very best in life I am always looking and researching for ways of insuring that my children are always healthy by preparing nutritious meals.
With my son I’ve invested lots of time and money on many vitamins all of which he hasn’t liked. I’ve tried mixing it in his drinks. Secretly adding it to his meals all to no success! So when Bioglan kids health created Kids probiotic choc balls I was extremely excited to try them with Angelo.
Instantly when he saw the packaging he was so excited he recognized the characters on the bottle. He asked me what they were and I said they are vitamins he said no mummy they are special treats when I am good! Right way he wanted to try one so I gave him one. Waiting to see if he liked them or not within a few seconds he said I want another one!!! Clearly he did not know that they contained probiotics! I was over the moon finally the light at the end of the tunnel no more fighting with him to consume vitamins which he hated the taste! Now each morning he helps me around the house with chores to receive a choc balls

Can’t wait until my daughter is 2 so I can start her on them. I’ve already recommending them to friends of mine who have kids Thanks Bioglan. Thanks for helping me ensure that as a mother I am providing him with the very best I can

Sara, Kallangur children aged 2,5,6 and 8

5 and 6 year old loved them and had no idea what it was but wanted more. The fact they taste like chocolate and smells like chocolate not like a lot of other brands we will definitely be switching also love the wrapper and the different characters.

Michelle, NSW, children aged 3 and 5

My girls loved this product, they had no idea they were eating something that is good for them. They taste like real chocolate and they asked for more. I love the fact that I can help their intestinal tract with something they enjoy eating.
I would recommend this product to anybody looking for an easy way to give their children Probiotics

Laarni, NSW, children aged 3 and 4

For such fussy toddlers when it comes to vitamins (among other things), they love this and even calls the Bioglan Probiotic choc ball as “treats”. It is my first time not to get their usual protests and complaints and I love that they look forward to having it and will take more than one a day if they are allowed. I would definitely recommend
this product for someone looking to give a sure, no fuss source of probiotics to their kids.

Available at Pharmacies, Priceline and Chemist Warehouse.

Bioglan are giving away a 1 year supply of their Probiotic Choc Balls to 5 lucky Mums Lounge readers.  

*Year supply is for one child.

To enter follow the instructions on the Rafflecopter widget below.  Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



Jolene enjoys writing, sharing and connecting with other like-minded women online – it also gives her the perfect excuse to ignore Mount-Washmore until it threatens to bury her family in an avalanche of Skylander T-shirts and Frozen Pyjama pants. (No one ever knows where the matching top is!) Likes: Reading, cooking, sketching, dancing (preferably with a Sav Blanc in one hand), social media, and sitting down on a toilet seat that one of her children hasn’t dripped, splashed or sprayed on. Dislikes: Writing pretentious crap about herself in online bio’s and refereeing arguments amongst her offspring.

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