Inspire Your Child to Dream Big with This Stunning Personalised Book from Hippo Blue

Inspire Your Child to Dream Big with This Stunning Personalised Book from Hippo Blue
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One of the most awe-inspiring moments you can have as a parent is looking down at your little bundle and seeing the potential of life stretched out in front of them. Their future is a world of wonderful possibilities. Your tiny, perfect little human has the potential to do magnificent things.
As parents it’s our job to nurture that potential and instil that all-important self-belief in our children. It’s one of the most precious gifts we will ever give them.
Hippo Blue owners Thin Neu and Sam Dickson are passionate about encouraging children to dream big.
Through personalisation and imagination, we want to teach children that they are unique and special, and that they can be whoever or whatever they want to be. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something.
(Thin Neu)
Last August, Hippo Blue collaborated with fabulous Australian children’s author and illustrator Brett Curzon (best known for Bill the Fish) to create a product that reflected their shared values of wanting to encourage children to be anything they want. The result is the beautifully whimsical, personalised book The Adventures You’ll Have.’
The poignant and uplifting story sees your child front and centre of their own adventure, accompanied by a host of fun and fabulous characters, on a journey to self-belief. The aim of the book is to teach children to love life with all it’s possibilities. The world is at their feet to go wherever they choose!
Ordering your child’s copy of ‘The Adventures You’ll Have’ on the Hippo Blue website is incredibly easy.
Simply enter your child’s name, gender and hair colour and you’ll be able to preview exactly what your personalised book will look like.
You can preview your personalised copy on the Hippo Blue website here.
Bubble and I were lucky enough to receive one as a gift for the purpose of giving an honest review. We’ve had it a week and haven’t read anything else since!
She is looking forward to taking it to school after the Easter school holidays for ‘show and tell’ and she has proudly shown it to everyone who has been around to our house to visit. (Great Granny has already had the pleasure of reading it with her twice this week!)
She loves the idea someone has made a special book just about her and it’s a real thrill for her to see her name in print in a ‘proper book.’
We’ve already had lots of very imaginative and funny little chats (and giggles) about all the things she is going to be when she grows up, at night after reading the book.
Tonight she told me she is going to be a chocolate-making rockstar, and have an art show on TV in her spare time.
I wonder what she’ll be tomorrow night!
‘The Adventures You’ll Have,’ Brett Curzon and Hippo Blue. Only $30. Order yours here