Keep Your Colours Bright and Your Whites White! Colour Catcher Review and Giveaway

Is there anything more annoying when it comes to laundry, than finding that your new bra has sneaked into the washing machine with the coloured clothing and instead of being bright white is now a yucky shade of dirty-dishwater-grey? Personally I have lost count of the amount of times my husband has put on a load of washing and given one of my cream or white tops a pink/grey/blue tinge, and as sod’s law would have it, it is always, without fail, a new or best one, rather than an old worn out one, isn’t it? (I have probably done it once or twice too, but y’know, I’ve conveniently forgotten about them!)
As a result, I tend to avoid white garments for both the children and I, (my children in white? Are you kidding me?) and so Hubby’s cricket whites and my underwear often end up having a wash all to themselves, which obviously is far from ideal.
So, you can imagine that I was a little apprehensive when I was asked to trial Colour Catchers, as it involved popping a little white Colour Catcher sheet into my washing machine, and then throwing all the whites in with the colours. Argh! It sounds like the stuff that laundry nightmares are made of to me…but after reading a number of other very positive reviews online, I plucked up the courage and bunged on a load.
What are Colour Catchers?
Every time that you wash bright or dark coloured clothes traces of dye bleed out into your laundry. Overtime, these colours build up making your whites and light colours look grubby and the colours dull. Colour catcher sheets are treated with special ingredients that act like a magnet during the wash cycle, trapping the loose dyes and dirt in its fibres and keeping your whites bright.
How do you use colour catchers?
Colour catchers are suitable for use in both top loading and front loading machines (and also hand washing) and can be safely used at all temperatures and on all fabrics.
Using them is very easy. Simply place an anti-transfer sheet into your washing machine (at the back or the bottom depending on your model) and then continue as you normally would with the exception of popping your whites in with your colours. Use the same amount of detergent and wash cycle you would normally use, then sit back (and try not to bite your nails off!)
The Verdict
Much to my surprise (and disappointment, but that is an entirely different issue! Lol!) Hubby’s cricket whites will live to see another day. Despite being washed with the brightest clothing I could find of the children’s, they are still lovely and white, and the colour catcher sheet is a grubby grey (showing that it has clearly done it’s job of sucking up those bleeding dyes.)
Colour Catcher are currently running a competition for fans to win a $1,000 wardrobe plus a years supply of colour catchers until April 2013. To enter, click here.
Find out which store near you stocks Colour Catchers by clicking here.
Mums Lounge have 9 x boxes of Colour Catchers (valued at $4.99 for 15 sheets) up for grabs. To enter simply follow these quick and easy steps on the rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!