MRP – Family Fashion at Ridiculously Low Prices

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MRP – Family Fashion at Ridiculously Low Prices
It’s that time of year again, when the change of season sees you hunting out your children’s summer clothes, only to find with dismay that they no longer fit!
When the ‘too-small-to-wear‘ pile is bigger than the ‘we-might-just-squeeze-another-few-months-out-of-this‘ pile, it might be time to do a spot of shopping to restock your child’s wardrobe.
Fortunately, if you know the right places to shop, kitting your child out in some fashionable new threads for the coming season, needn’t break the bank. (Let’s face it, this close to Christmas, every cent counts, right?)
MRP are a South African based online store that offers fashion for the whole family, at unbelievably low prices. Un-be-liev-able!
Whether you are shopping for a girl or a boy, a newborn or a 14 year old (or any age in between) we think you will be amazed at the bargains you can pick up.
Don’t believe us? Check out just a handful of our favourites:
Shop these cute bargains and more at
Delivery is just $5 for all orders over $90.
Right now MPR are giving you the chance to WIN hot fashion for a year!
Click here to enter
Happy Shopping!
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post. However all thoughts and opinions are my own.