Review: Tamar Valley Greek Yogurt for Kids

Review: Tamar Valley Greek Yogurt for Kids
It’s the school holidays which means not only do I hear “Muuuum’ approximately 3,724 more times in a day than I do on an average day during term time, it’s generally followed by one of a three phrases (or variations of them.) Taking prime spot is “<insert siblings name> just hit me/is being mean/won’t give me back the TV remote,” followed closely by either “I’m bored,” or “I’m hungry.”
Seriously! Do they EVER stop eating?
As much as I do love my new kitchen, I can think of better things to do with my day than preparing eleventy-billion snacks. So because I care about my own precarious sanity children’s health I ALWAYS make sure that there are healthy, easy snacks on hand that I can point them in the direction of the next time they tell me that they are starving to death.
After they’ve ransacked the fruit bowl for the second time that day, I usually direct them to the fridge to grab themselves a yogurt.
Over the past year, I have become a huge fan of Greek yogurt (with a drizzle of Manuka honey and granola on the top. Seriously it’s heaven when you get the afternoon munchies and need a little something to perk you up. It’s sweet enough to quell the sugar cravings and a damn site healthier than hiding in the pantry eating a Mar Bar, which is what I used to do!) As it has almost double the protein of regular yogurt it also helps to ward off hunger for longer, which is something my children clearly need help with! But, sadly, it hasn’t mattered how I’ve dressed the Greek yogurt up in the bowl, none of my children have taken to the taste of it. So when I was presented with the opportunity to try Tamar Valley’s range of Greek yogurts specially designed for kids I was keen to see if, with the addition of a fruity flavour, I’d be able to win them over to share my love of Greek yogurt.
Whilst we always have a 1 litre tub of regular yogurt for the kids on the go in the fridge for breakfast time, I am a huge fan of yogurts in pouches. It means that I can pack them in my children’s lunchbox, or take them with us when we are out and about. I love them because unlike individually portioned little tubs they don’t need to be eaten with a spoon, and my kids don’t make a mess eating it! (Sure, someone is guaranteed to make a mess with something, but it won’t be the yogurt.) I generally freeze them so that they have thawed but are still cold by the time they come to eat them. NOBODY likes warm yogurt on a hot Summers day!
But putting yogurt into pouches isn’t what impressed me most about Tamar Valley…you know, besides the fact that all three of my kids said that they were the best yogurt they’d ever had, and asked if I could buy those ones all the time now. (Don’t worry, I refrained from smugly telling them it was Greek yogurt!) The thing I LOVE most about Tamar Valley’s Greek yogurt for kids, is that it is crafted with only premium ingredients using milk sourced from local farms in the Tamar Valley region and it contains absolutely no added sugar or horrible artificial sweeteners!
They even have a space to write your child’s name on, so it doesn’t get mixed up with anyone else’s at school!
Tamar Valley Greek yogurts for kids come in 110g pouches in three delicious flavours: strawberry, vanilla and tropical. (I can’t tell you which flavour is most popular because all three of my kids had a different favourite, although they were happy to eat any of them if the favourite one was out! Although strawberry is my personal favourite!) They are suitable for children from 6 + months and if you are yet to give them a whirl – I highly recommend them. The texture is amazingly creamy and smooth and they are a great healthy snack that doesn’t compromising on taste! You can find them at Coles, Woolworths and independent supermarkets. RRP $1.69
Disclosure: I was provided with a $25 Woolworths voucher in order to purchase these yogurts for the purpose of giving an honest review.