Reviewers Wanted: South Australian Gourmet Food Company Fruit Custard with Added Fibre

Reviewers Wanted: South Australian Gourmet Food Company Fruit Custard with Added Fibre
As parents across the country rush out to buy uniforms, and spend hours labelling school supplies in anticipation of sending their little darlings back to school very soon, there is one piece of the back-to-school puzzle that the majority of seasoned parents aren’t looking forward to. That’s right! Having to make school lunches. Every. Day! Okay, so they’ve eaten us out of house and home over the school holidays, and their constant bickering has driven us crazy, and don’t even get us started on the wet towels left on the floor…but how nice has it been to have a break from making school lunches? Haha! Am I right?
If the thought of packing lunches fills you with that same unexplainable dread, we’ve got just the thing to add a little pep to your lunch-making step. We are partnering with the South Australian Gourmet Food Company to give 10 members of the Mums lounge community the opportunity to trial their delicious fruit custards with added fibre and share their feedback with the rest of our audience…so we can all get excited about filling those lunchboxes again!
Each chosen reviewer will receive a total of 18 fruit custards to enjoy with their family;
- 1 carton (6 x Apple Fruit Custard with Added Fibre)
- 1 carton (6 x Strawberry Fruit Custard with Added Fibre)
- 1 carton (6 x Banana Fruit Custard with Added Fibre)
Fruit Custards with Added Fibre
A delicious creamy custard made with real fruit and the nutritious benefit of added fibre.
Get more fibre in your diet with these delicious custards.
Maintaining a healthy diet with the daily recommended fibre intake will assist your digestive health.
Excellent source of fibre, containing 10g of fibre per pouch (compared to 2 Weetbix which contain 3.8g fibre).
No artificial flavours, colours.
No artificial preservatives.
Over 30% of your recommended daily fibre intake.
Available from Woolworths stores RRP $1.70 each – find them in the aisle with the jellies and desserts!
About the South Australian Gourmet Food Company
The South Australian Gourmet Food Company was established to serve a growing number of consumers who want ‘something better’ for their families and their growing health conscious, gourmet tastes. Delicious tasting with real ingredients, the South Australian Gourmet Food Compnay provides consistently high quality food products using only the very best harvest.
The company prides itself on supporting local Australian farmers who provide the best quality, non GMO Australian ingredients. Through the South Australian Gourmet Food Company’s passion for a sustainable future, they are able to craft the most deliciously wholesome recipes in their solar-powered production facility. Now you can enjoy their range of delicious, creamy custards made with real fruit and the nutritious benefit of added fibre through their fruit custard range.
Apply to Review the Fruit Custards with Added Fibre
If you would love the opportunity to trial the South Australian Gourmet Food Company’s Fruit Custard with Added Fibre complete the application form here.
Application entries close at midnight on Monday 25th January 2021.