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Springfree Trampoline Review

Springfree Trampoline Review

Making the decision to upgrade to the Springfree Trampoline didn’t come lightly but there was so much that made it standout from its competitors that we took the plunge and got the Medium Round Springfree Trampoline. Now, four years on, was it worth it?


We live up on the Sunshine Coast, so the weather is pretty unforgiving on our outdoor toys and with the constant sun beating down all year round it can really take its toll on anything left outside. However, this has not been the case for our Springfree Trampoline, which so far hasn’t shown any signs of the harsh suns or stormy weather. Our Springfree Trampoline is pretty much as good as it was the first day we got it.

Other brands we’ve had in the past have showed lots of rust on the springs and poles, the padding on the poles had becomedegraded and fallen away, zips had become stuck and unusable and netting had become loose or torn in a very short amount of time. This has not been the case for the Springfree Trampoline. The Springfree black mat shows no signs of fading or wear, the net is still 100% intact, all of the poles are still in great condition and the zips still look and work perfectly…you would never know that this trampoline has been sitting in our yard for 4 years and has been so extremely well loved and used by our 4 children and all of their friends.

If you are looking for a trampoline that will stand the test of time in our beautiful sunny climate or withstand the torrential rainfall or stormy weather then the Springfree Trampoline will not let you down.


My kids are, 11, 9 and 6 year old twins and they love to push the boundaries with everything they do, so it gives me great peace of mind knowing that while they are spending countless hours bouncing and practicing their flips and tricks, they are doing so on a trampoline that confidently boasts to be the safest trampoline.

The Springfree Trampoline design from a safety perspective has gone far above and beyond its competitors, with careful thought given to eliminating many of the risks with traditional trampolines through a clever design and an understanding of common injuries on trampolines.

The Springfree SoftEdge Mat is 30 times more shock absorbent than springs covered with mats. In practice it makes the whole bounce experience far smoother and due to not having any springs at the edges there is far more usable and safe jumping space.

The Springfree FlexiNet has proved to be my biggest surprise, as I had never imagined it would stand up to the harsh UV and constant abuse that my kids put it through for so long. After having cheaper brand trampolines in the past, that have had nets that wear and deteriorate quickly, I had expected this to be the first thing to go but it is still living up to its promises and shows no signs of giving in any time soon. The flexible net is proving to be a lifesaver, as no matter how hard my kids fall into the nets they just absorb the fall without any damage to the net or the kids and those flexi poles are well out of reach, so there is nothing hard to hit against. This net has been pushed and pulled countless times and yet in the 4 years we have had it my kids have never managed to tear it.

When it comes to the frame, the Springfree Trampoline continues to impress. With promises of multiple layers of rust protection that wont peel or flake it really has a lot to live up to when you live near the water and the salty air seems to get to just about everything…..that is everything except the Springfree Trampoline! I have to admit that I was expecting to find at least a little sign of wear somewhere, especially after moving house, but its in great condition.

My memories of playing on a trampoline as a child involve many times where I would get caught in springs, soI love that there isn’t one in sight on the Springfree Trampoline. This means that the kids can confidently play while I sit back and relax in the knowledge that they are safe.


We are well satisfied that regarding durability and safety the Springfree Trampoline really lives up to expectations, so the last question I asked myself is ‘is the Springfree Trampoline really all that when it comes to the bounce and just having fun?’ This was an easy one and a resounding yes.

I had forgotten just how great the bounce on the Springfree Trampoline is until we played on a friends trampoline just recently and myself and the kids all gave each other a look of surprise and my son commented ‘this trampoline doesn’t bounce right’ and I had to agree. After being spoilt for so long with our Springfree Trampoline we had forgotten how superior the feel of the bounce is compared to other brands.

Springfree Trampoline is so much fun, with heaps of accessories you can add to customise your trampoline and increase the fun. We recently added the basketball FlexrHoop™, as part of the ‘Moving Bundle Accessory’ pack, which was a massive hit and gave our trampoline a whole new lease of life. The kids are loving a whole new dynamic being added to their trampoline and MichaelJordon style slam dunks are the new craze in our yard.

If you are trying to decide whether you should add accessories to your trampoline then I would highly recommend getting the ladder as we didn’t get one initially and it has now made getting in and out of the trampoline a whole lot easier for the kids, especially the younger ones. I also think that having the wheels is a god send as we are constantly moving our trampoline position around to mow the grass and with the trampoline being so sturdy it is also quite heavy, so the wheels make all those little moves a whole lot easier.

Related: 7 Compelling Reasons to Choose a Springfree Trampoline Over a Traditional Trampoline

There are plenty more accessories and services available to help you get your trampoline just right for you and I have always been so happy with the friendly great service from Springfree Trampoline staff from start to finish, so it’s smiles all the way from us.

The Springfree Trampoline has it all! With its smart engineering making it the safest trampoline on the market, outstanding quality materials throughout keeping the kids bouncing for many years and many options to get the right fit for any family, keeping the kids outdoors and active, it is the only trampoline for us.


Review by Julie Williams