Reclaim Some Time for Yourself with Visa Checkout PLUS Win a Hoyts LUX Experience

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Unfortunately life is full of tedious tasks that chew up time that we would rather spend elsewhere.
Spending 2 hours folding washing is right up there on my personal list of least favourite time-suckers, followed closely by well…housework in general really! If I can find a short cut to make life easier, and get some time back, I’m all over it! Less time spent doing mundane tasks leaves more time for the fun times with my family.
Last weekend Visa gave me the opportunity to try out Visa Checkout – their new service that streamlines the payment process when shopping online with their partner merchants. I don’t know about you, but I LOVE online shopping but do find the process of having to add my shipping details (and get up off the couch to hunt out my purse to find my credit card) to be monotonous and time-consuming. (Even more so if I am shopping via my mobile, and have to type all that info in with one finger!! Urgh!! So annoying!)
If Visa wanted to give me that time back by providing me with a super-quick way to pay, and send me on a much-needed treat night with my husband, who was I to argue?
After scanning the list of merchants (Mumgo, Starbucks, HotelClub, Luxury Escapes, and Ticketek to name but a few ) I had decided exactly how I wanted to spend my time…a kid-free date night at Hoyts LUX cinema to see the new Mad Max movie, followed by an uninterrupted nights sleep in a hotel in the city with buffet breakfast!
Seriously, is the not-being-woken-by-the-kids-at-6am not the most exciting part of that plan? Of course, reclining in a big comfy seat and having drinks and food delivered to our seats in the cinema was kind of awesome too!

Big big thanks to Visa Checkout!
Signing up for Visa Checkout, entering my shipping details and linking it to my current credit card took just a few minutes online, and meant that when it came time to pay for the hotel room on Hotel Club and purchase the tickets on the Hoyts website all I needed to enter was my Visa checkout password! LOVE that!
You can enrol for Visa Checkout at any time to get your time back too through any participating bank, or merchants checkout page or directly (like I did) at
Visa Checkout are giving you the chance to win one of two $150 Hoyts LUX vouchers. All you have to do to enter is follow the instructions on the entry form below and tell if you could get some time back for yourself, how would you spend it?
Disclosure: This post is sponsored by Visa Checkout. However all thoughts and experiences are my own.
I’d spend loads of time stretching so my muscles aren’t as wrecked as they are now!